Mia's Birth Story.

At 8am Saturday morning 5th December 2009 i phoned Labour Ward too see if they had room for me to be induced. They did, so we got to the hospital by 9am. I was so nervous! My Dad was my birthing partner. Mia's Dad wasn't around in the pregnancies or first few months. Anyway, i was put in to Room 5. A midwife came in and put me on the monitor then by 10am she broke my waters. I got told to walk round the hospital to help make my contractions come quicker/stronger. So we went for a 1/2 hour walk. We came back and was put on the monitor for 30-40 mins again. I was told to go for another walk, but it only lasted around 10-15 mins until we had to turn around back into Labour Ward haha. 
I eventually got put on a drip because my contractions still weren't strong enough or long enough. In the end it worked, the pain OMG! haha! I was on Gas 'n' Air & i got Diamorphine. Can't remember much after that really.
After a 10 1/2 hour painful labour, at 7.12pm i gave birth to my beautiful gorgeous baby girl Mia Wyn who weighed 8lbs 9oz. She was so perfect. Spitting image of her Dad. Holding her for the first time was amazing, you can never explain the feeling of holding your own baby until you experience it yourself. Priceless <3 

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