Life as Mum started back in 2013 and over the years I've realised what posts do well and what posts don't do as well with traffic. Some posts I have stopped writing all together for two reasons; those being; traffic was awfully poor, and I wasn't keen on writing them. Although you need to write for yourself, you need to think about your audience when you write too. I try to balance out my posts, I like writing lists where people can learn or find things such as this kind of post, and some other posts I have previously written that are very popular such as; 50 Things to do in North Wales, 50 Autumn Activities and so on. Other posts I find that are great to post are honest posts about yourself, whether it's a traumatic birth story, shocking pregnancy story or anything else related to you. I personally find honest posts are great to get the reader to connect with you more and it will possibly bring in more new readers too.

But my top tip is to write something that you love to write. Don't write something for the sake of possible traffic gain. Here are a few posts that could help bring in more traffic:

One of my most popular posts is 50 Things to do in North Wales, and I get it re-tweeted every single day. Pageviews for that post go up daily. It's a great way to get local new readers to your blog too. It's a kind of post that people are most likely to save it so they can look at it again in future. The topic can be up to you, but here are a few ideas; Local events coming up, Local activities, Places to visit, Free places to visit, Family Friendly places to visit, Parent classes in your local area and more.

TOP TIP: If you do decide to write a post like this, I would advise you to share the post all across your local FOR SALE groups on Facebook. If you share on Twitter make sure to use the appropriate hashtag (E.g. North Wales - #NorthWales)

Have you got a great mind to think of different kinds of blog post ideas? Whether it's for parenting bloggers, lifestyle or beauty bloggers (and more of course) this will be a great post to gain new possible readers and them being bloggers. I wrote a 100 Blog Post Ideas a couple of years back, and it's one of my best-viewed posts, especially by bloggers.

To write a blog, I personally think it is so important, to be honest in every single post you write. I also think it's a great idea to try and add a few true stories about yourself too. Whether it's a traumatic birth, your experience of any mental illness, or anything else you are confident enough to share. It could even be struggles of parenthood or friendships.

TOP TIP: Honest stories are normally a lengthy post, my advice would be to either break it up with photos that would relate to the post or break it up into two or three separate posts. 

I wrote a weekly pregnancy update throughout my third pregnancy, and it's something I'm so glad I did. I was very honest on each update, and I shared photos of my growing bump too. Some pregnancy bloggers decide to write them fortnightly or monthly, but for me, I doubled my views for writing them weekly.

TOP TIP: Share photos.

For any pregnancy bloggers out there, these go down a storm. For me, I absolutely love reading and watching pregnancy announcements, and I get even more excited watching or reading gender reveals.

I did three of these last year, and I still get many views each day from them. I find they are popular with newer bloggers and people who don't blog. Also for the nosy people who are just like me and like to find out what other people earn.

If you have managed to grow your Instagram or any other social media and have tips, then share them. Not only social media, but it could also be tips to doubling (or more) your page views or anything else blogging related, if you have experience, then share it with other bloggers. Not only are you gaining more traffic, but you're also potentially helping and supporting other bloggers too. Blogging tips posts are very popular with new bloggers.

Whether you're writing about tips on parenting, make-up, pregnancy hospital bags and so on, these can be very popular. For example; What to pack in your Hospital bag, this can be a very popular post by mums-to-be and possibly dads-to-be too. Lists are also easy to read and adding a printable checklist at the end can be a great idea, if it goes with the list you're writing.

Any kind of review can be popular. Be sure that your reviews are 100% honest and detailed with clear high-res images. I find these are the best viewed reviews that I have. I personally find the best viewed reviews are also toys, prams, cars and car seats, from my own experience but for other category bloggers it could be make-up, shoes and so on.

Many people like to read infographics, not only are they facts, it's a way of learning new things too. I've done a few infographics in the past, and they have been a great way to gain new readers and traffic.

If you have a recipe to share or many recipes to share in one post - go ahead! Recipe posts do amazingly well if you make sure that you share them on social media so people can find the post.

Blog Series' can be another good way to gain possible traffic and new readers. Any blogger can host any kind of Blog Series they want. It can be a great way to find a new blog to read/follow as well.

Catchy titles really do help to get someone to click and view your post. But it still needs to relate to the post.

I find these do really well whether you write about them or vlog them. They give people inspiration and also a great post for people who love being nosy in other people's homes!

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