On Monday Mia had a day off school - as school closed due too snow. So I did manage to do a lot of things that day and the girls really did behave. It was a busy but easy going day. We spent a bit of time outside in the snow before it all melted in the afternoon!
Elliw was in playgroup 9-11 and if i'm honest those 2 hours go so fast. I come home, have a cup of tea and breakfast then the next thing its time for me to go out again and pick her up. Elliw had her haircut 11.15 and then a friend came over with her little girl and they had lunch here. Mia was in after-school club until 5 so I decided to lay all the clothes on the bed ready to pack. We went out for food that evening for my partners birthday.
I wasn't feeling 100% Wednesday morning so I relaxed a bit in the morning. I had a hair appointment at 1pm so I took Elliw to my partners mothers house and she had Elliw until 3.45pm. However, my hair appointment didn't finish until around 2pm so I came home, tidied my hair up a bit then went back out to get Mia from school and take her for her hair appointment at 3.15pm. When we came home I managed to tidy the toy room but not long after Elliw came home. I did a bit of cleaning afterwards whilst the kids were having tea and i went to Slimming world that evening - I lost 4lbs!
Again the same as Tuesday Elliw was in playgroup 9pm. Luckily my partner managed to take the girls to school for me at 9am so i came on the laptop and paid all bills and updated a few things on the blog before i had my breakfast. By the time i came to sit down it was nearly 10.15am which meant i only had about 15 minutes to chill out again. I went for a walk to my partners aunty and uncles house which was a nice change as it's the evenings we usually go. We stayed there for about an hour then came home for lunch and tidying again. My Nain and Taid came over just after picking Mia up from school 3pm and they were here until around 5pm.
I wrote this blog post on a Thursday so this day hasn't come yet but we are planning and hoping that my partner can have half-day with work tomorrow, take the girls too school so i can do a big clean to the house and make sure everything is ready. Picking Elliw up from play school 1pm then too see my friend for a bit and then go and see my partners grandmother before picking Mia up 3! So another busy day.
As you can see, it's been a busy day. It hasn't helped doing school runs all day ever day and not feeling 100% either. I think a part of it is nerves kicking in.
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