B&W Photo Project | My Sunday Photo

On Bank holiday Good Friday my partner came home around 2pm from work which was a nice surprise. When he came back I didn't expect to go anywhere because he mentioned that a few people he had spoken to told him that there were so many ques on the road and shops were full in the nearest town. After he had gone for a shower and got himself ready he said we were going for a ride in the car! Mia had gone to her Dad's in the morning so it was only me, my partner and Elliw. I was actually looking forward to it, we all really enjoy just going out for a ride. We stopped at the butchers to get some steak for the evening then we stopped in the bakery for some cake! Which we soon regretted because we felt sick after it as they were to sweet or maybe we have just been eating to much rubbish! On the way back home he took a turning up this back road which we had never gone up before but we do this sometimes when we go for a ride in the car. As we were going on the road we were amazed on how interesting and how beautiful the views were. I kick myself that I didn't bring my camera with me as my phone camera didn't take really good photos. We came upon this building (above photo) and I think it looks amazing and stunning. When we were driving along the road you just would never think that a building like this would be there. It fits perfect with the beautiful views and we have decided we are to go back when the weather is warmer and take a walk to the building. It's a huge building which is truly beautiful.
If you're interested by this building and the story behind it then you can read this website which I found here. If you're anything like me then you'd be really interested in learning about the building. thumbnailsize


  1. I love the framing on this shot through the brambles and barbwire. Great composition.

    1. Thanks! It was a random shot really. My partner was in the drivers seat and he was parked but it was too cold to get out so I told him to move back so I could take it! It's also taken through a window and on my iPhone! Which isn't bad I guess!

  2. I really like the atmosphere in this photo - dark and brooding - it looks great in black and white! #mysundayphoto

  3. Lovely photo - kind of spooky

  4. It's such a shame when buildings fall into disrepair like this isn't it, but they do make great black and white subject matter :D #bwphotoproject

  5. Its spooky and looks like a movie setting!

    Happy Easter! #MySundayPhoto

  6. I love this in B&W really adds to the feel of it

    Thank you for linking up

  7. That looks even more old in black and white! Lovely photo Happy Easter

  8. Such an atmospheric shot. Feel free to pop over to South West Reviews and link up to #CheckOutThatView if you'd like more shares x

  9. Always so sad when buildings are left like this, they do make for beautiful photos though! #MySundayPhoto

  10. I love afternoons like this, and that building is a wonderful discovery


  11. Love this shot, hugely atmospehric x

  12. Lucas says - This looks really spooky and a bit like a prison with the bushes in front of it. Awesome photo :) #bwphotoproject

  13. I love old run down buildings like this they look so intriguing, what were they, who worked there. Great picture in black and white you can really pick out the windows #bwphotoproject


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