My Captured Moment

Recently I've been thinking I need to try and get photos of Elliw and Mia together and I need to make more of an effort by taking nice photos too instead of taking random ones on my phone. So I've started to bring my camera out more often to capture some memories. I managed to get some lovely photos of both girls yesterday and very rarely will I get a nice photo of them both together as there is always one who will look away or pull a funny face but I actually got a perfect shot of them both!

Running in Lavender


  1. Oh that is lovely! How sweet. I really struggle to get good photo's of my twins and so I take whatever I can! I am always snapping them :) Jess x #mycapturedmoment

  2. Gorgeous photo! I am doing the Siblings project this year, partly because it makes sure that I get at least a couple of decent shots of my three together each month :) #mycapturedmoment

    1. Hi Sara, Is the Siblings project a linky by any chance? I'd be interested to join in!

  3. I know what you mean, I'm guilty of doing the same. Having two girls myself at around the same age, I know how difficult it is to get a shot like this, so well done. Great captured moment! Thanks for linking up xxx

  4. So lovely; love the look in their eyes. To more pictures of both of them! #MyCapturedMoment

  5. Aww they are your mini me's arent they? x


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