Preparing For Christmas & Giveaway

I've said it again. The 'C' word. Sorry guys! But we are now (finally) in double figures counting down to Christmas. I can't even explain to you all how excited I am! I am quarter of the way through buying presents and my cupboard is slowly filling up which is getting me even more excited.

Preparing for Christmas can be really stressful at times. I remember the first Christmas I had to buy presents for my children, it wasn't as fun as I thought. It still isn't. But now, I prepare myself for Christmas. I don't do it last minute like I have in previous years.

I can't advise this enough. I really do think shopping online shopping is much better than going out to stores. You have a lot more choice and also a lot more bargains. You can look around and have 10+ pages on the go. When you are out shopping you can only be in one place at a time. But the plus side of going out to shops is you get to see what you are buying, in person. But then again, if you online shop your items get delivered to you - perfect!

You may think I sound mad when I say save money for Christmas, right? Well you can. There will soon be a post up about saving money at Christmas time. There are many ways you can save. For example, like I said above you can save by looking around for bargains. It also may be best to start Christmas shopping in September/October before Halloween as usually prices go back up to full price November time as they know people want to buy for Christmas.

One of the most obvious things to do before a Christmas shop is to make a list. Write everybody's names down and a few things they like. Remember to take it with you to the shops though! (I am hopeless at that) You could also ask family member and friends what they would like.

You could let your children make Christmas cards or if you'd prefer the less hassle and easy way then you could always just buy a pack of cards from the shop. List everyone's names down first on a spare piece of paper to make sure you get everyone.

Not everyone does this, I haven't before but I may purchase one this year or I may just even use a toy we already have. We will see. But you could prepare by writing down what things you are going to let the Elf/Toy do each day in December up until Christmas!

To help you out, Life-As-Mum (yes me!) is giving one lucky reader a £10 Amazon Gift Card. Would be great to help you buy some extra presents or maybe to treat yourself to something? All you have to do is wish yourself luck, read the T&C's and enter via Gleam below (yes I am trying a new way this time!).
1. Giveaway ends 18th October 2015 at 11.59PM (uk time)
2. Winner will be notified via E-mail
3. Winner will be given gift voucher through e-mail
4. No cheating. I check all entries.
5. Prize is provided by me (Life-As-Mum)
6. The prize is a ten (10) pounds (UK) gift voucher via e-mail for Amazon only.


  1. Yep, started in about May! I need to spread the cost throughout the year as I have so many people to buy for!

  2. No Not yet I usually start at the beginning of October buying a few things at a time I do not have much space to store presents as we live in a small flat and the children love to sneak around

  3. Nope I usually do most of it on line in October :)

  4. Yes, I usually start in Aug/Sept to spread the cost x

  5. Yes I start getting things for my kids from now

  6. Yep only got a few things for my little girl so far but I always start hers early coz her birthday is early Jan so need to make sure I get enough pressies to cover both. Add in both our birthdays & our anniversary & Nov - Jan gets very expensive! x

  7. Yes I have I've just ordered 2 huge boxes of duplo x

  8. Yes I have, we always start early :)

  9. no even though i vow to every year!

  10. Yup, I normally pick some stuff up in January that'll keep for the year.

  11. yes i like to start early!


  12. No - there's still plenty of time to win a few competitions before I have to start buying!

  13. I have, surprisingly! Only a few but I was determined to be more organised this year :)

  14. Yep, I've already started collecting a few bits and pieces so far. But I usually do my big Christmas shopping in November/December - that's where the good deals usually kick in.

  15. yes, we always start it in August and have it finished by end of Sept.

  16. Not yet! I wait till after Halloween to even think about it

  17. I bought some toys in the Christmas sales last year, my husbands family has just exploded with children(7!!!) in the last 2 years! I must admit that I feel a bit smug that I have a head start :-)

  18. Not yet. I'll probably start in October.

  19. Yes I started about 2 weeks ago! I'm trying to get it done early this year so I can actually enjoy December instead of running around and waiting in queues!

  20. No! I have bought wrapping paper tho! haha We save all year with Park for vouchers which is the bulk of our Christmas Present money so serious shopping starts on 1st November! :D

  21. Aways start early, with three kids it's a must although we don't go overboard either we stick to what we can afford x

  22. Yep - I have a box full of stuff hidden away upstairs, I need to get it out, see what I have got and work out if I need to get any more bits and pieces!!!!

  23. I have been putting bits away since the January Sales. I have a big family, so I still have lots more to get. I am keeping my eyes peeled for special offers

  24. Not started yet, but not much to do this year!

  25. No, not yet - I usually start my Christmas shopping in early October :o)

  26. Not yet usually leave till December

  27. I have started to make some Christmas cards but that is about it!

  28. Only just! but need to start thinking more seriously about it

  29. NO! I'm normally really organised but baby is due in less than 3 weeks so I am a bit all over the place this year x

  30. Yes I've started picking up a few bits each week.

  31. Yes I have actually nearly finished with my Xmas shopping x

  32. I always start in the New Year sales as there is no way I could afford to have one big spree

  33. yes but i have a big family and have still got a long way to go :) x

  34. Nope, not yet! But I'll start very soon

  35. Not yet.. but hoping to start it at the end of the week when I get paid.

  36. Yes. I always shop in the sales throughout the year to pick up cheap bargains!

  37. Yes, I was on holiday recently, so bought a couple of bits for my mum and my nieces.

  38. No, I'm afraid I haven't sarted yet..I normal don't start until December ;-)

  39. I have! Always to try to pick little bits up here and there

  40. I've bought a few bits! Always like to start early :)

  41. I've got a few bits and pieces so far

  42. Not yet but I will do this month

  43. Yep, only a couple of more to get and i`ve got christmas covered (hopefully).

  44. Yes, I've got a few bits and pieces.

  45. Not actually started shopping yet, but I am at the point of getting ideas together and will probably start in the next month!

  46. Haven't started shopping yet but I'm thinking about what to get for people.

  47. Haven't started shopping yet but I'm thinking about what to get for people.

  48. no, I never start til the end of november and even then its a chore!

  49. No not yet,I always end up rushing.

  50. Yep I'm well prepared for Christmas this year!!!

  51. No not yet...don't usually start till beginning of December

  52. Not yet...I usually start in November

  53. Sadly yes, I didnt intend to but as always mother in law found something for us to buy for them.....

  54. Yup, I 'start' on Boxing Day :) Putting any nice but not suitable/needed gifts into the present box (am a hoarder with a tiny house so have to be very strict with accumulating more stuff!) and check out the sales. I also bargain hunt and do competitions all year round. I have got 90% of the kids stuff already, just need to shop for the grown ups!

  55. Yes I started in the January Sales ;-)

  56. No I haven't started yet, I usually start in November.

  57. Yes, I started a couple of weeks ago.

  58. Not yet, will do in Novemeber

  59. I have for a change hoping to be done by December

  60. yes! started a few months ago. Now to just write the cards out and get started with wrapping. I love Christmas! :)

  61. I start In January, and buy things throughout the year.

  62. Yes, only recently started as I usually start Christmas shopping once my Daughters birthday is done in October.

  63. Yes I've started mine, I normally start picking things up at the beginning of the year as I see them

  64. Yes, but only for my 4 year old daughter - and she's the easy one!

  65. Not started Christmas shopping yet!

  66. I try to pick things up all year round and put them away

  67. Not yet but really should have :(

  68. As I'm on a tight budget I look throughout the year for birthday/Christmas presents for my grandchildren :)

  69. No haven't started yet, will probably go shopping with my daughter.

  70. No... not in earnest... though I always keep an eye out all year for a bargain to put in the 'presents drawer'.

  71. Just started this week, earlier than ever before!

  72. i wait till november after bonfire night.

  73. not yet, usually start in november :)

  74. I haven't started yet. My daughter's birthday is in November and my son's in December so I'm shopping for those first.

  75. With 3 kids and my daughters 1st birthday on the 16th December I have had to start shopping very early

  76. Not really. I've collected a few things for my youngest but nothing for anyone else

  77. I have purchased two christmas presents already I feel very clever and organised that i have started :)

  78. Started in May and finished in July. The Christmas spirit has gone for me, I just do it for others.

  79. I have started and have got most of the extended family done XX

  80. Yes although I'm a bit behind this year :( xx

  81. not yet, I have usually nearly finished by October, but I am behind this year :(

  82. Yes - I bought my first thing for Christmas this year before Christmas last year! Haven't started properly yet though, just one or two little bits

  83. I have made a few small stocking filler purchases for my grandchildren.

  84. Yes I've nearly finished bug I'll still be rushing around getting last minute bits on a Christmas Eve

  85. I bought one present, but I haven't properly started yet.

  86. We have not started yet, we tend to start mid November :)

  87. I started in the January sales and will finish by November

  88. I've started and I am so close to giving them to them now, it's so hard cause I know they will love them! :)

  89. Yes, I'm about 50% done - got to see just the right thing before I buy them.

  90. no and i really needs to start doing something about it

  91. Only a couple of stocking fillers...need to save a few more pennies first!

  92. No xmas shopping for me!! Im a big Scrooge with everyone execpt with my son :)

  93. Yes I started at the end of September

  94. Yes, I have started, Ive bought a few presents and started my own little Xmas Food Hamper

  95. Yes i am nearly done,just got to get some gift cards for my oldest children so they can go clothes shopping!

  96. Not yet but I am panicking right now as its getting closer very quickly :/

  97. Got all the ideas written out and waiting for some money, and then hoping to get it all done in about a fortnight hehe x

  98. Not yet, but I will from the start of december

    trevor linvell

  99. Not Yet planning to start soon.

    Lynsey Buchanan

  100. Yes, I start in the summer to spread the cost! :D (and lower stress levels)

  101. Oh yes with 3 boys and one on the way i start early

  102. nope will start beginning of dec

  103. Yes I have, as money is pretty tight the earlier the better!

  104. I've bought a few bits and bobs

  105. Not really. My family are saving up for our wedding so haven't got a lot of money to spare at the moment. My son (16 ASD/ADHD/OCD) who is always careful with money asked that instead of buying presents for other people, perhaps we could tell everyone that we weren't doing Christmas this year, then with the money we saved go and buy ourselves something we really want in the January sales!!!


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