Watching You Grow | Mia

My eldest daughter Mia will be 6 years old at the start of December. I honestly can not believe it. Watching her play, sing, dance and even having a tantrum makes me a little emotional because only 6 years ago, she couldn't do neither of those things.

She can drive me so mad at times with her attitude and answering back but that is what growing up is all about. Of course, every child is going to try and push their luck with their parents. Aren't they? I used to think when you were a baby that your tantrums were hard then. Never did I believe anyone who told me that tantrums would only get worse when you are older. But now. I believe them.

Watching her playing in her bedroom just reminds me of my younger self. She always plays teachers and pretends she has a full classroom. It's just a bit weird but lovely too see. Every single day I used to pretend I was a teacher, now I see you playing it every single day.

Watching her love of stationary growing, again, is exactly like me. I love my stationary and knowing someone else in our home loves stationary too is a big plus! I now don't have to go into stationary shops by myself anymore and I can spend as much time as I want there. The amount of notepads Mia has gone through is unbelievable - I have lost count.

I remember going food shopping one time a couple of years ago, when she would sit in the trolley seat and I remember seeing parents with children who walked. They were roughly Mia's age now. Never did I think that time would come by so quickly! Mia never sits in the trolley seat anymore, maybe in the main part of the trolley is she is too lazy though.

I am so proud of Mia's handwriting. She had neatest handwriting in her class last year (as said by the teacher). I love writing and so does Mia. Mia is now learning to spell on her own. She struggles with English words but is great with the Welsh words, because she is a Welsh speaker and goes to a Welsh school. I love watching her write and trying her very best to write a word/sentence. She is also great at drawing. She loves drawing me, my partner, Elliw and herself as a family. It's lovely looking through her old drawings and comparing them to her most recent drawings.

Watching Mia growing for the past nearly 6 years has been amazing. I am looking forward for plenty more proud moments. She is becoming such a clever little girl with a huge love of stationary (as said above), just like a Mama (as she calls me!)


  1. What a lovely post time goes so quickly thanks for hosting

  2. I'm dreading the answering back stage! #justanotherlinky

  3. Its amazing to watch your child grow into a unique individual, with their own likes, dislikes. So much of their personalities are just 'there' and totally uninfluenced by you as parents. This is both wonderful and frustrating in equal measure lol. #justanotherlinky

  4. My daughter is growing way too fast and is 7 now. They do grow so quickly and it is great to watch. like you say watching your daughter reminds you of when you were young. I am experiencing this too! For me it is seeing my daughter playing with her friends on the street and riding her bike and doing all the things I once did. it brings back memories.

    Angela from

  5. Kids nowadays seem to grow so fast that we could ever imagine. My 2yr old even learn how to talk back already, starting early, I'm dreading about it! Thanks for hosting! #justanotherlinky

  6. What a lovely post. Mia sounds like a lovely little girl. I had a thing for stationery when I was young too :) Thanks for hosting #justanotherlinky

  7. Lovely post. I share her love of stationary. I'm impressed she can spell well in Welsh! That looks much harder than English to me (& English is not an easy language for spelling) - though probably does look less hard if you are a Welsh speaker! #justanotherlinky

  8. Such a cutie! My daughter's nine months and I can't believe how quickly that has gone - when people tell me she will be a tumultuous teen before I know it I can well believe it! #justanotherlinky

  9. Awww lovely post. It really does go so fast!

  10. Aww, it's amazing how fast time goes by isn't it, I'm still wrapping my head around the idea that Kitty is five!! Mia sounds adorable and it's lovely that she's starting to share your passions :)

  11. This is lovely, she sounds amazing and how great about her handwriting being the best in the class. They really do grow so quickly, it's so bittersweet. x

  12. what a cute little girl. They do grow up so fast mine are 29 and 34 this year and I swear the time flashed past lol

  13. Mia sounds a delight and I am very envious of the neat handwriting, I think some of my boys may have the worst handwriting in class! Popping by from #MagicMoments

  14. How lovely to bring her up bilingual, a great skill to give them when young.
    How lovely that already you can see a lot of you in her with her interest and pastimes.
    Sorry to tell you if you think cheek. tantrums and answering back is bad at 6 heaven help you in another 6 is the time to give her up for adoption.......only kidding. #magicmoments

  15. Such a sweet post. It's amazing how quickly they grow up. My eldest is seven and sometimes I don't understand how that has happened. #whatsthestory

  16. Such a lovely post huni. I can't believe how quickly time flies by x

  17. Aw, beautiful post! What an absolutely gorgeous, fantastic little girl you have.
    Thanks for linking up to #SundayStars
    Karen (

  18. such a lovely post. My eldest is nearly 4 and can't believe where those years have gone? So crazy! #sharewithme

  19. Ah Beth this is a gorgeous post! They really do grow up so quickly don't they? My eldest is now five and a half and I sometimes look at her and wonder where my little baby went. Well done Mia Wyn for doing well with your hand writing too ; )

    Thank you so much for linking up to #MyCapturedMoment x

  20. Arg, don't know if my first comment was accepted. Such a lovely post. It's astonishing how quickly they grow, isn't it? #justanotherlinky

  21. its such a lovely age isn't it, they really do start coming into their own dont they
    Thanks for linking up with #MagicMoments

  22. Ahh what a bittersweet post so full of love. She sounds amazing. Well done on her writing that's impressive they grow up way too fast. Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme


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