Just Another Linky #32

Welcome back to week #32! I can not believe this linky is on its 32nd week! Time really has flown by. Right I have a confession to make... I am really behind in everything. I haven't had time to read posts this week due to personal reasons. Things haven't been good this week BUT I had the end of a bad week turned into a good start on Friday! So I am back working as normal and catching up on everything. So my side of the linky will be back to normal from next week with favourite posts etc. I will also read everyones posts from last week and this week during the week. Hope you all understand. Thank you everyone. X

I would also like to wish my beautiful daughter, Mia, a happy 6th birthday today (5th December!)

• #justanotherlinky is open Saturday morning until 11.55pm Monday night.
• If you are linking up please make sure to take the time to read and comment 2 other blogs.
• If you have the chance, if you could comment on both host's posts that would be great.
• Feel free to tweet using the #justanotherlinky (We will both re-tweet)• Post no more than 2 posts.
• Old or new posts.
• Sponsored posts, review posts and giveaways allowed.
• By linking up you are giving me and Kirsty permission to take a photo if you are being featured the following week.
HOST - Beth | Life-As-Mum | @lifeasmumblog
CO-HOST - Kirsty | Somethingcrunchymummy | @crunchy_mummy
Sorry no featured post this week guys.



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