Things To Do In Hospital Whilst Pregnant

During pregnancy you have to keep an eye out for many things during your third trimester. You need to check out for symptoms for pregnancy problem such as pre-eclampsia, obstetric cholestasis, reduced movements and more. When you get your pregnancy book from your midwife from your first appointment after finding out you are pregnant, you usually get given a phone number to ring if any problems and a phone number for emergency.

Most pregnant women do end up going to hospital to check baby's heartbeat and check that everything is ok with baby and Mother. There is no reason to feel silly or feel like you are wasting Midwife's time because you are not. You know your baby and you know your body. If you feel like there is something wrong, phone up and go in. That is what the midwife is there for. Sometimes staying over is planned and sometimes it is unexpected. There are a few things you could do whilst your are pregnant and having to stay in hospital for a few hours or overnight:

• Bring your phone and make sure your phone is charge or to bring your phone charger. This will be helpful incase you have to phone somebody to pick something up for you or anything else. A phone can also be great as passing the time. You might have some signal in the hospital to keep on top of Facebook, Twitter or even play a bit of choose bingo for harrysbingo

• Stack up on magazines and newspapers. Staying in hospital for a few hours or overnight can be pretty boring. I used to love bringing a couple of my favourite magazines with me to read whilst waiting for the doctors and midwife.

• Buy a top up card to watch TV. At most hospitals you have to put money on a card to watch a TV by your bed. With this you can catch up on your usual soaps and even get on the internet.

• Sitting in the bed or chair can be boring. You could ask the midwife if you could go for a walk around the hospital, this can be good for you and baby! A bit of fresh air would do you both good.

• Make sure at visiting hours you get some company. Being by yourself at all times can be pretty boring, especially that you have no one to talk to. Having some company for a couple of hours a day can make the day a little quicker and better.

What did you do when you were having to stay at hospital?

* This is a collaborative post.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Word search books were my favourite while waiting in hospital to be induced with my youngest x

  2. Oh gosh I hope I don't have to stay overnight in a hospital, I know I would get so bored. I'd HAVE to have my phone, and a book. I've got to go in for a gestational diabetes test soon and that's 2 or 3 hours in hospital - I am dreading it!
    Sabrina xx


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