Kiddy UK Evolution Pro 2 Infant Car Seat Review

A few months ago I wrote my first thoughts on the Kiddy UK Evolution Pro 2 car seat and I was really looking forward to test it out once Freddie arrived. The Evolution Pro 2 car seat was the seat we used to bring Freddie home from hospital when he was 1 day old. We've been testing out the car seat for over 2 months now and thought it was about time I let you all know what I thought about the car seat. As I don't drive, we don't get to use the seat until the weekends when my partner is off.

The Evolution Pro 2 car seat is the first ever lie-flat car seat. When the handle is down the baby is in a lie flat position. The handle needs to be up when placed in the car. The car seat is suitable from birth and with its head support for newborns, their bodies are in the correct position. Newborns need room to grow and the lie-flat position is perfect and helps by allowing their internal organs to expand and grow. The lie-flat position is a lot more comfier, safer and healthier than traditional upright car seats. There are risks of letting baby sleep for more than 2 hours in other normal car seats, but with this Evolution Pro 2 lie-flat car seat lowers the risks which means you do not have to disturb their sleep.

The only lie-flat car seat is a comfortable shell car seat with padded adjustable 3 point harness which lays perfectly over their shoulders to keep them safe. The underlying breathable mesh keeps them cool on a hot day but also helps to keel them warm during winter cold days. The breathable mesh also allows air flow around baby. The large hood helps keep the sun out of baby's face and the wind.

I have had many people giving good comments about the Evolution Pro 2 shell car seat. Everyone has loved the blue colour we chose and the shape of the car seat. When we first put Freddie in the car seat at hospital we were stuck on how to adjust the handles so he we could close him in before his ride home, but we got their in the end. Since then it has been easy to do. I think the lie-flat position is a brilliant idea. Freddie always looks so comfortable in the seat when we are in the car. A few times Freddie has fallen asleep in his seat whilst we were in the car and all we had to do was carry him in the house and put the handle down so he is in the lie-flat position so we didn't have to disturb his sleep.

• Suitable from newborn+
• Lie-flat position
• Baby is supported in the shell shaped seat if there was an accident
• No disturbing baby's sleep
• Comfortable for baby 
• Enough padding in the seat 
• Breathable mesh for baby to keep cool during hot weather
• Breathable mesh for baby to keep warm during winter weathers
• Allows newborn babies internal organs to fully expand and grow
• Available in 14 colours to suit your personality
• Large hood keeps wind and sun out 
• Durable covers which are washable
• Suitable on travel systems
• Reduces risks assosiated with traditional upright infant carriers

• A little heavy - but no heavier than traditional car seats

You can see more information and more of their products over on the KiddyUK website

* We were given this Evolution Pro 2 Car seat free of charge in return of an honest review.
All words and photos are my own, as always


  1. This is a super review with tons of info and fab pics. If I was looking for a car seat, I'd definitely consider this one! #marvmondays

  2. I only heard about the Kiddy car seat and its lie flat function recently and have been so impressed. I wish we'd known about it before the little guy arrived as I would have definitely considered it. It looks and sounds like youre getting on great with it, great review! Thanks for sharing it on #MarvMondays. Emily

  3. Wow it's lie flat! Kipper's now 5 months old but I would have definately brought one of these if I had known about it. I love the colour too. It's nice to see new products coming into the market. Stopping by from #MarvMondays


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