The garden is an excellent educational resource for children of all ages (and many adults too). Home to all sorts of creatures and plant life, it’s a constant hive of activity and will probably fascinate your kids anyway. Even if it doesn’t, they will soon become interested in what’s going on and can learn a lot through these gardening projects and activities.
Alphabet Garden
For children who are just getting started with learning the alphabet, your garden can help no matter what size it is. If you’ve got the space then create an alphabet garden by planting 26 different flowers, plants, herbs, fruits and vegetables that each begin with a different letter. Make some labels for each plant with them, to encourage their spelling and creativity. Those who only have limited space or even just a balcony could do a streamlined version by only having plants that spell out your child’s name, for example.
Germinate Seeds
Even some of the youngest children can get involved with planting seeds and watching as they germinate. The start of the process can be done inside and all you need are:
A glass jar
Paper towels
Beans or seeds
It’s that easy they can do it themselves with just a bit of instruction. Begin by filling the jar with scrunched up paper towels; add some water and more paper towels, pushing them down to the bottom. Then put in whichever seeds or beans you’ve chosen and check on them daily to watch as they germinate. When the time comes you can plant them in the garden or a larger plant pot together.
Make a Bird Feeder
Bird feeders range from the simple recipes of mixing bird seed and lard together in empty yogurt pots to more complicated wooden houses. Youngsters could even have a go filling an empty plastic bottle with bird feed and a few sticks poking through for garden birds to perch on. For older children who can be trusted with using tools, you could visit your local wood merchants to make a more solid bird feeder with a wooden base. Or construct one that will sit up in a tree without needing a base.
Snail Tracking
One of the easiest activities you can do is snail tracking, which can be fun and informative for everyone. All you need is a bottle of nail varnish and some time. Ask your children to find a snail or two and help them put a dab of nail varnish on top of its shell. Then move it out of your garden (though not too far) and over the next few days send your kids out to see if they can find any in your garden with a blob of nail varnish on their shells. This should teach them that snails have a homing instinct as it’s likely most will reappear in your garden not too long after.
There are many more educational and fun garden activities your kids can get involved in, so feel free to comment with your favourite ideas.
* This is a collaborative post
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