The Benefits Of Boarding School

Choosing to send your child to boarding school isnt an easy decision. Were all well aware of the tropes about lumpy beds and terrible food, and of pranks morning to night!


In reality though, boarding schools arent much like the ones that you see in the movies. They are schools like any other, often attracting the best quality teachers and boasting better facilities than a lot of other schools.


Whether boarding school is the right decision is dependent on you and your child, but here are some of the benefits that children who attend boarding school can experience.

Promoting independence

As your child grows up there is an almost constant battle for independence; your child wanting more freedom and you having to decide what is appropriate.


A certain amount of freedom and independence is important for children as they develop, as it gives them the opportunity to explore the world and themselves, and become more self-assured and confident as a result. 


Boarding school can be a good way to find the right balance of independence. Your child is away from home, so there is a natural amount of independence there as they learn to become more self-reliant. At the same time, they are always supervised by qualified teachers and other staff, so you know that they are safe.

Amazing facilities

You can generally expect to find that the facilities on offer at boarding schools will be more plentiful than those on offer at other types of school. 


The Rugby School Thailand boasts an impressive co-curricular program that allows children to experience up to 70 new activities each term, including things like archery and sailing, which gives your child the potential to find something that they are really passionate about.


The Rugby School has some helpful information about boarding on their website, detailing what the different types of boarding are and how they are managed at their school.

Being part of a community

Boarding means consistently being part of a community made up of teachers, staff, and of course the other students. 


Being part of a community is highly beneficial for children as it gives them a supportive and uplifting influence that they cant find in any other way. It also helps them to learn more about themselves as they interact with other people, and helps them learn traits like generosity and compassion.


The community at a boarding school will be made up of a range of people from all sorts of different backgrounds, which will help your child to develop a broader world view.


The friendships that are made at boarding schools are often carried with pupils for the rest of their lives.

Academic excellence

Finally, one of the most important benefits of boarding school is the opportunity for academic excellence that it provides.


Boarding schools often attract the most highly skilled teachers in their field, and your child will have much greater access to their knowledge and expertise than they would in another type of school. They also have the opportunity to learn collaboratively with their peers, which improves learning outcomes.

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