How to Prevent Brain Drain Over the Summer Holidays

The school holidays are here! For many of us, that means tons more quality time with our kids, which is always a great thing. However, it can also mean there’s more you need to do to keep the kids entertained so they don’t destroy the house or upset their siblings!

With our baby boy joining our family this month, our efforts are going to be very much focussed on getting used to the new dynamic and enjoying lots of quality time together. But, we’ll also be giving a bit of thought to what we can do to keep the girls occupied specifically, and – just importantly – how to help them keep learning and exploring.

Hope Education have come up with ten ideas that parents can do to prevent ‘brain drain’ happening to kids over the summer, and I was surprised to see that some of them are things we already do. What about you? Do you do any of these things with your children, and is there anything you’ll do this from this list to keep their little brains sharp until September?   

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