Well today was such an eventful day if i must say so haha! We went out to town with Nain Carys & Elliw. Went to have lunch in Debenhams, You had a ham sandwich kids box. We went round Debenhams, then to peacocks, & ohmygod. Just looked away for ONE second and you were GONE! We had the staff looking for you, people shopping were looking for you. Guess where you were?! Hiding behind the knickers! You are such a madam! You did get a row after it because i was so worried! But what did you do AGAIN in New Look? You ran away yet again! This time the shop was bigger & you were gone for longer, luckily i saw you running & i ran after you. I don't know why you did that today, kids yeah?! Can't even turn my back round for one second with you, madam. Was so scary.
Before that happened, we took you to Clarks to get your feet measured.
Your left foot was 7 1/2G & your right foot was size 7G.
After we had finished in town, Nain went to hospital for an appointment & then we took you to your other Nain's, because you're staying in your Dads until Sunday evening! Never been without you for this long before! Going to be so weird!
Love you baby girl
All my love Mam
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