Relationships after having a baby

So i wasn't in a relationship when i was pregnant and gave birth to Mia so i will talk about my relationship after i had my youngest daughter Elliw. 

Lack of sleep can really put a strain on your relationship because you are both moody and just clash! And lack of sleep is really likely to happen with a newborn for atleast a few months or more or maybe less if you're lucky!! 
One thing after having a baby, make sure that you and your partner gets time to yourselves, go to cinema, go for food or somewhere nice for a few hours! if someone asks to take the little one for a bit, DON'T say no! Take the chance! But mind you i have said no loads of times because i wasn't used to people taking my eldest child so was weird people asking me if i wanted a break. 

There is a lot of stress in a relationship after having a baby, one is money problems. You wouldn't think a baby is that expensive but when you add Formula, Nappies, Wet wipes, Bath things and clothes! It does add up to alot more, especially with babies growing up so quickly that you need more clothes! 
If you do have money problems in your relationships, why not try Ebay or For Sale sites on Facebook? Or even pop into a Charity Shop to get clothes. There is nothing wrong with second hand clothes especially when you find a bargain! 

Your physical relationship will calm down a hell of a lot! You are both just so tired and want to catch up on alot of sleep! And especially if your partner (woman) had stitches, then don't expect anything for atleast a good 6 weeks or more until they have healed and when she feels comfortable! 

Try and make time for just you and your partner. Make time for a nice calm chat just the both of you. You will probably argue much more than just a two person couple, you now have a third in your life. You will blame eachother on things and stress out. But it is just a typical Family Life. 

Also being in a relationship and having a baby try and make time for you and your friends. Yes you have this family life now but you still need your friends, you still need your social life. Not as much as before, but going out now and then for a catch up or maybe a few drinks or a night out once in a while is fine! 

It will be hard first few weeks or months but it will kind of get a little easier (not the child though, they get naughtier haha) but having a baby in a relationship is new to everyone! You can work it out :-)

Also try and spend time all of you as a family. I love family time. Even if it's just going for a nice walk and a picnic in the park! You all bond together! 

Good luck. 

* Picture from Google

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