Growing up too fast.

When Elliw came back from her Nains house today me & Iwan was talking and thinking how much Elliw has grown up in the last couple of days, It really is mad how much difference i have seen in her. She was late walking, and she is so much more confidence in walking now.

(Sorry about the mess in the background)

I really can not get over how much my youngest little girl has grown! She tries her best now to talk, babbling so much. You see her just sitting down playing with toys & you hear her babbling too her self, I always sit and think 'i wonder what she is actually saying?' 
What she loves doing at the moment is putting pots on top of her head, she will come back and forth to me for atleast 20-30 minutes! When i put the pot on her head, she will stand so still and concentrate until the pot falls down. So funny. She's also learnt how to play catch with a ball! She can do Hi-5 much better, she likes to fall down and hear someone go 'uh-oh' . 
She recognises her favourite songs and shakes her bum!! Hilarious. Her faveourite songs at the moment are - Robin Thicke - Blurred lines & Psy - Gangnam Style.

But because she is the 2nd child i do find she is slower in doing things than what Mia was when she was her age, but i think it is because i have to share my attention with them both, and having my own house this time i can't give her 100% attention 24/7 like i did when Mia was her age! Do any other mummies/daddies find this with the 2nd/3rd etc child?

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