As most children are back too school by now most of us make packed lunch boxes for our kids! Well i make packed lunch for my daughter Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays for when she goes too Dinner Club which is pay £4.50 for. I wonder sometimes is it worth it? But next year she will be in full time school and i'm already thinking should i still give her packed lunch or should i just let her eat school dinners? I'm really stuck on what to do, but i have got nearly a year too think about this which is okay!
In every packed lunch i make Mia, and dinners what i do at home i always try and make it fun and nice too eat! They always have bread with the crust cut off because Mia hates crust, and it is always cut up in soldiers as Elliw is very fussy! For dinners at home i will share 1 packet of crisps between them both which is usually Pom Bears, Skips or Quavers. Once or twice a week they will have a small chocolate bar on their plate for Dinner. and they will always have something healthy with it too weather it be fruit, chicken/ham slices or salad. I'm lucky that Elliw will eat any fruit and any salad but she isn't keen on the chicken/ham but Mia loves the meat and leaves the salad and only eats strawberries and bananas with fruit.
As for breakfast Mia will have coco pops with milk, and few slices of toast with fruit and Elliw will have slices of toast with fruit.
I try my best to make sure they have fruit at least once or twice or maybe more a day!
Their snacks are usually crackers and fruit. So as you can probably tell, salad and fruit is a main thing in the house! We have to buy 2 packs of bananas 2 packs of strawberries and grapes and yet we still have to go to Co-op down the road to buy more in the middle of the week. Just as i am saying this i will have too go down tomorrow too buy some more salad and fruit!
Their Tea is a like a treat for them, but i still make sure something is healthy on their plates. Such has potatoes, veg, meat etc! Their favourite is chips, chicken drummers or turkey dinosaurs!
I don't care if my children have a McDonalds now & then as a treat. As they will have a chocolate from the shop once a week too! I don't agree with some parents being 100% strict with their children with food, at the end of the day they are kids, and kids will be kids!
I find since i have cut down the sweet treat to once a week instead of daily they enjoy it so much more!
Are you fussy with what you put on your child's plate for food?
Do you treat your children now & then?
Are your children in school full time? Do you give them packed lunch or school dinners?
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