Here are a few things Elliw can do and likes at 20 months
- Loves dancing.
- Loves babbling.
- Loves playing with her big sister.
- Size 5 in shoes.
- 18-24 months in some clothes but mostly in 2-3 years.
- Loves dancing too Mr Blooms Nursery and Mickey Mouse.
- Love watching Curious George, Mickey Mouse, Mr Bloom, Rhyme Rockets and Mr Tumble.
- Slowly starting too say words.
- New word is TOODLES (from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse!!)
- Still has 20 minutes - 2 hours nap in the day.
- Goes too bed 6pm - 6.30pm every day.
- Still has a full bottle of cows milk before bed.
- Loves feeding herself with a fork/spoon.
- Loves sitting down at the table.
- Loves drawing/colouring.
- Loves it when Daddy comes home from work.
- Loves emptying everything from the shelves and cupboards.
- Loves trying too feed Daddy her food.
- Loves posing for the camera.
- Loves building things such as blocks.
- Loves watching TV.
- Loves throwing herself on the floor when having a tantrum!
She has changed so much even changed the last couple of weeks. Her personality is so funny! Even she thinks she is funny herself lol. Can be a right handful sometimes but i'm loving every minute of watching this little monkey grow up!
Love you Elliw Elen
Love Mam Xxx
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