United Kingdom is 56th in the Most-Stressed out countires chart according too Bloomberg. With a total score of 24.6. Stress can come from anything - Panicking about something or an occasion such as Christmas, Money troubles (debts etc) Relationships, Families and more. Benenden health help people who suffer with stress. As stress can cause long term illness as it can effect your mental health. Benenden Health's website provides some Stress Remedies such as;
Go for a walk
There is nothing better than fresh air! Maybe take a friend with you or walk the dog if you have one. I think going for a walk is one of the best things you can do if you are stressed. Or maybe you could pick up the pace and go for a jog?
Exercising keeps your mind concentrated on what you are doing and keeps your mind off other things, another great way to be stress free.
Don't let stress ruin your Christmas or any other day. Try and keep yourself busy. Coping with stress can be very difficult especially if you think you have no one to talk to. Benenden is a health care that will help you and give you advice. They provide a 24/7 Stress counselling advice line which is great when you are feeling so stressed and you want someone confidential to talk too.

OCD can have a massive impact on your life and daily life! It can give you stress and can trigger something and if you don't do a certain thing perfectly it can then make you think something bad will happen!
What the saddest thing about this condition is there are so many people who make fun of other people who have OCD but yet have no clue on how it affects that person inside and how it affects their daily life. Some people don't mind but some OCD sufferers are too embarassed too tell anyone that they have this mental health condition.
It shouldn't be something that someone is afraid of. We all need to learn more and understand more about OCD. If you visit this page here then you can learn a bit more.
Benenden offer other advice : Check it out here.
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