We Do Not Remember Days, We Remember Moments LINKY

I love looking back at photos. Especially ones that mean something. Pictures are great memories to keep, I love hanging photos on the walls and I have loads of photo albums and also photos ready to be put into photo albums.

I love this photo. Even though I do remember the date, I only remember the day because it was taken the day after Mia was born. Mia is my first born and I was only 17 years old. It was a really scary time and also I was a single mother - as her Dad didn't want nothing to do with her at the time. I love this photo.

This was the first time my beautiful Great Nain (in the blue cardigan) met Mia. Sadly she didn't get to meet Elliw. Elliw was born on the 5th March and my Nain passed away on the 14th March. I was so upset and so gutted. She passed away a couple of days before we had arranged to take Elliw to meet her for the first time. I will never forgive myself for not taking her sooner. I really love this photo, as it's a 5 generation photo.

This photo was when Mia did her first time. I really can't remember how old she was - all I remember is it was in January (I think!) My Dad made her smile for the first time.

This was the morning Elliw was born as you can probably tell. They had put her under my nighty for over an hour for skin to skin so it was really nice holding her for the first time.

This was taken when I first met my beautiful Nephew. I'll never forget it.

There are so many photos I can upload and talk about the memories - but it will take too much time! So i'll stick to them for now. Hope you all join in with the linky!

1 comment

  1. Aww they're all lovely pictures :) the 5 generation one is really lovely! I hope you do this as a monthly linky so we can all share lots more photos xx


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