Have A Safe Road Trip This Winter.

We have had such a lovely summer this year in the UK and we all know the weather has turned to the worst the past few weeks. Christmas time can be one of the busiest times on the road with people wanting to do their Christmas shopping. Some people stay local and shop in the local towns and some people would rather go for a day out somewhere to go Christmas Shopping. Since I got with my partner we have gone to Chester every year to do our Christmas Shopping, in matter of fact we are going next week but this time we are going for the night too so we will have two days there. It takes about 1-1.5hours to get there. With the weather changing it’s always important to make sure you plan ahead if you are heading out for a road trip. 

It's is really important to make sure all passengers have seat belts. If you have children, then make sure that the child or baby is in the right car seat. A child should be in a child car seat or booster seat until they are 12 years old or at least 135cm. You can check the latest car seat designs for all ages on Toys R Us

As you have no idea what the weather is going to turn out like it is very important to make sure the windshield wipers are in good condition. They must be replaced if the blades have worn. Also it is always a good idea to have some high quality no freeze fluid in your windshield washer, as one never knows what mother nature will bring to you!

Another important thing to check before you head out on a road trip is to check your tyres. They should be replaced every 6 years with or without wear. Moreover, if you take a look at your tread and if they are uneven wear or insufficient tread then the tyre must be replaced. You can access the Point-S website to browse car tyres online 

It’s always a good idea to plan your trip, such as check the weather forecast, the road conditions and the traffic. The last thing you want to do is go on a road trip without checking the weather and road and then a massive snow storm or pouring rain starts! Do not rush to get to your destination, take care and take as many stops as you can if you are going a long way so you don't get tired. Bringing some snacks on your road trip would also be a good idea. Making sure you have enough fuel in the car is a bonus unless you know some petrol stations on the way.

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