Sisterly Love

Not very often do I write about Mia and Elliw's strong bonded relationship. Because for the past few months all they have done {most of the time} is argue and fight about anything and everything. There have been some time in between where I do catch them playing nicely and lying down on the sofa together which I absolutely love. Not often do I capture the moments on camera though because I am too slow!

This was the first photo of Mia and Elliw together. I really regret not taking more of them on the first day of Elliw's birth. But Mia was pretty confussed. Although she has a smile on her face in the photo, not long after she was pushing away, so she didn't stay for long. And yup, that is my little chub in my Nain's arms!

This is my favourite photo of both of them. This is the first proper, cute photo I had of both girls together. It was early in the morning and Mia wanted a cuddle. This was taken in the first week of Elliw and I being home from hospital. I'm gutted it's so dark but I love the way they are both looking and they look so close.
I love capturing their strong sister relationship. I think it's so nice to see the good side of sisterly love! So now I will leave it to the photos...

1 comment

  1. What a beautiful post, journalising your girls' growing relationship. I should so the same with my two, their bond is now so strong, I love watching them together. Thank you so much for linking up to #MyCapturedMoment xx


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