It came to me recently that I have no baby in the house anymore. Although my two girls will always be my babies, even when they are older. It is pretty scary watching them grow up so fast. From a helpless newborn, learning and helping them sit up, crawl, walk, talk and so much more I do feel pretty sad thinking about it.

Mia has turned out to be such a beautiful, bright and a
funnyhilarious little girl. She loves writing, drawing and dancing. They are her favourite things! She is in love with horses, ponies and slowly loving princesses and a little love for Minions too! {who's child doesn't love Minions?!!}. It's scary now to think that she will be going up to Year 1 in September. She is now learning to spell words herself. She sees a word and says each letter slowly to make the word. She does this in welsh, so I am having to also teach her English because her school is Welsh. She is also learning to tell the time and telling me when it is ok to cross the road. She is 5 years old?! How is it possible. When she was newborn I couldn't imagine having a child telling me the time, trying to read a story to herself and wanting to spell words herself. It seems unreal. But it feels like I am going through a new stage of parenting.

Elliw is 3 years old. As she is the youngest, I do find I spoil her a little more because in my eyes she is the baby of the house. Maybe that is wrong of me but sometimes I don't realise I do it. But maybe another reason I do it is because she is behind on her development. She is yet to hold a pencil properly, talk properly and eat properly. Only sometimes she will eat a full meal and when she does then usually it is when me or my partner is having to feed her. She loves her junk food but of course, she gets her 5-a-day and a balanced diet. I am lucky she likes her fruit so whenever she wants to snack or a 'picnic' lunch or tea she will have plenty of fruit. It can get pretty frustrating at times knowing your child doesn't eat much but she does have her good and bad days.

Elliw will be starting part time school, morning sessions in September. She will be dressed up in her school uniform. Scary stuff! She will also be attending Speech and Language school 1-3 on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays so I will be pretty much child-free for the first 3 days of the week which saddens me a bit because I wasn't expecting it so soon. Elliw loves Minions, My Little Pony and playing with toy figures. She loves colouring and still a little obsessed with Frozen too.
Being a parent for 5+ years has been an emotional but an amazing ride. Of course, I am a parent for life now. I hope one day I could give them another little sister or a new little brother in future but that will be another good few years. I want to enjoy my girls at this age. Also, they both can be very hard work most of the time. But it's all worth it at the end of the day.
I have no baby in the house anymore. I have two little ladies.
They just grow up too fast don't they? I want them to grow up but feel sad sometimes when they hit different milestones. My youngest is still a baby (1) but I know I will be sad for a short while when I realise she is fully a toddler x
ReplyDeleteToo fast Laura. Aww 1 years old! I cant imagine my girls being that age :(! Grow up so quickly x