Thank You Dad For My Childhood

If you are a regular reader then you may know that I was brought up by my Dad. I have never been close to my Mother and I don't think I ever will be either. My Dad did many things for me and my brother throughout my childhood. I can't thank him enough.

Thanks Dad...
for giving up your night/full time job, just to take care of me and my brother.
for taking us on a train to go swimming every Saturday, I loved it!
for giving me everything that you could.
for being there for me.
for telling me to stick at college, when I wanted to quit in the first 3 months.
for bring my birthing partner with my first child.
for helping me through my first pregnancy.
for buying everything for my first born, whilst I was pregnant.
for giving us the best Christmases and birthdays.
for making me laugh.
for taking me out for long days outs.
for making me who I am today.
for all the great memories.

There are so many things I would like to thank my Dad for, but I would be here all day, maybe all week writing this post. I'm sure my Dad did find it pretty hard raising a girl up, as he was a single Dad. What do men know about girls? He didn't know about make up, periods, first bras, girls clothes and hair do's. But he tried and he succeeded. I couldn't of asked for a better Dad.


  1. What a lovely post and tribute to your Dad! Dads are awesome, too and definitely deserve to have some recognition (it isn't just us moms).
    I would love to have you link this up to my #GratitudeGoals linky :)

  2. There's something so special about writing down a gratitude list isn't there? What a fabulous tribute to an amazing man x


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