Life Just Gets In The Way

You may have noticed in the past couple of months I haven't been posting as much. I usually post on a daily basis but the past couple of months my posts have been a bit everywhere and they are mostly just reviews and so on. Life simply just gets in the way sometimes. It won't sound big or important to anyone else but to me, I am stressed. I feel everything is getting on top of me. I have had days where I was to pack in my blog because I don't think my blog interesting enough for people. I sit and wonder if anyone is taking the p*ss out of my blog, do they find my blog boring etc? So many thoughts have gone through my mind.

Since school I have been the quiet one. The one that doesn't really say anything or doesn't show her personality until you really get to know her. I'm not quite sure why I have always been that type of girl. A part of my thinks its because my Mam didn't want to know me. She didn't want to hear my problems, she didn't want to listen or see me. So why would other people? I've had people make up rumours about me, rumours that were not nice and untrue. I've had someone call me 'boring' and similar things behind my back. I won't show who I truly am until I feel 100% comfortable with someone. It doesn't really bother me that some people find me boring because everyone is boring at times. No one is happy chappy constantly through the day. I am shy. It takes time for me to get comfortable with someone. I can't do anything different. If you don't like me, just go.

Why have I written this? I think it may help me get my 'urge to blog' back again! Get back to writing posts and scheduling them in a months advance. I have learnt a few things the past couple of months though. I am going to stop accepting so many reviews - especially product reviews that I don't really need. It really is getting on top of me at the moment, but also on top of everything else.

There is one thing I can not speak out. Not for a while yet anyway. Another is family. Why do they have to be so damn difficult? It was Mia's birthday not long ago. Did I get a text off my own Mother to wish Mia a happy birthday? Of course not. But Mia doesn't know the difference, she doesn't know she has another Nain/Grandmother because I simply can not call her that. She isn't a mother to me so why should she take up the grandmother name. It does hurt but I am slowly facing up to the fact that she will never be there for me or my family.

Like I mentioned in this post earlier, this all may not seem important or bad at all and I will probably think the same in a few months time but at the moment I am finding it difficult. I do find it hard to get out of bed in the morning. I am finding it hard motivate myself to do things in the house. I am just simply finding things hard at the moment but I know things will get easier. Everything gets easier in the end doesn't it. It's just a phase and I will be fine.


  1. You could be describing me...I am the quiet & shy one with mother issues. lol Sending love and hugs! Everything will get easier, I'm sure. I'm betting in January things will seem better. Christmas is always a strange time....Hang on in there! x

  2. I can really relate. I find it hard to get the balance right between required posts like reviews and just the general life ones #justanotherlinky

  3. Sounds like some tough times. Been there! You're right though it does get better! Big hugs and merry christmas! #kjustanotherlinky xx

  4. We have the same personality and problems lol, don't give it up, take a little break, organise, improve and you'll bounce back. I'm really stressed right now too and will be taking a break as of next week but I have a few reviews to get done asap but I really can't wait to just relax and get my house cleaned too lol. Merry Christmas to you and your family and I hope you distress a little and come back after the new year feeling better

    Pauline x

  5. Yes, I have that type of personality too. Also really struggling to stay on top of everything that needs doing currently, even more so now it's Christmas. Hope things improve for you, & I think your blog is great. Happy Christmas! #justanotherlinky


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