16 Weeks Pregnant

This week has been full of ups and downs. Although, I can say that it's been less stressful than last week because Mia really has behaved this week. However, I've been pretty unwell and full of cold, especially the last couple of days. Yesterday was the worst but oh well!

I had my midwife appointment on Wednesday and I heard Baby boy's heartbeat again. Everything was fine with Baby. My next appointment with the midwife will be to do my GTT test to see if I have diabetes or not, then not long after I will have my first of many consultant appointments and I think from then onwards it will go really fast!

How are you feeling this week? Pretty cr*p but worse yesterday. Full of cold an feeling unwell with not much energy to do much things.

Symptoms? Nausea sometimes. Dizziness. Dull/dry and greasy hair - the joys!

Movements? I have felt baby move quite a bit recently and pushing against me. Lovely feeling.

Any sign of Obstetric Cholestasis? Just the same, coming and going so far. So nothing to complain about YET.

Roll on the next 24 weeks!


  1. Aww bless you. I hope you feel better soon and I hope the nausea subsides. Feeling the baby move though is such a lovely feeling. I miss that SO much. xx

  2. I can't imagine how crappy it must be to have a cold when pregnant. I hope you are feeling better today xx

  3. Sorry you feel rubbish this week, hope you recover from your cold soon. I'd forgotten how lovely it is to feel your baby move, my kids are all grown up now.

  4. Hopefully you're through the worst now and it only goes up. Hope you feel better soon x

  5. Hope you feel better going into next week x

  6. Feeling the reassuring flutter of baby moving was always such a great thing about being pregnant, i remember! Hope you are feeling better soon.

  7. I love that mummy bloggers are a thing, I think it's great you document stuff like this. I know that sounds strange but it's just so informative. We don't learn about this at school, it's terrible!

  8. aw I remember the excitement when you start to feel movements very magical

  9. I loved feeling the baby moments. So weird but nice at the same time.

  10. The first few weeks are horrible. Feeling sick and run down. But hopefully you are now coming out of that phase and will start to bloom

  11. Sounds as though you have had a tough few days. I hope things are looking up now.

  12. It must be so magical to feel the baby move and make up for all the sucky symptoms xx

    Miss Kitty Kaos - Adventures Of A Riot Grrrl

  13. Congrats on reaching 16 weeks! Sorry that you're not feeling so great at the moment but hopefully things will get better soon :)

  14. You should start feeling better soon. Just think how much it will all be worth it in the end

  15. I hope you start to feel better soon, try and think of the excitement at the end. x

  16. Hope you feel better soon, I love pregnancy, it's such an exciting time!

  17. Aw bless you hunnie, I really hope you are starting to feel better x

  18. I hope you feel better next week!

  19. Hoping the next 24 weeks simply fly by for you and that your cold disappears soon. Its awful when the strongest you can take is only paracetamol x

  20. Oh no hun. Feeling ill and having a cold is the worst when you're pregnant! You can't even have the good medicines! Sending virtual Lemsip and hope you feel better soon. Thanks for hosting. Xx

  21. Hope you feel better soon, this is such a lovely way of documenting your pregnancy!

  22. oh wow congrats and what a bump you have already! I've got two children and secretly going through the broody stage.. don't tell my hubby ha! Feel better soon! :)

  23. Hope you are starting to feel better soon, I'm so broody! x

  24. Its awful having a cold and feeling crap when you're pregnant. such a cute little bump!

  25. Hope you are feeling better soon and can get some rest to get over your cold. Just 4 more weeks to half way!

  26. aw hope you're feeling better now. if not, get well soon and rest :)

  27. Nothing worse than catching a cold when you're pregnant, I can remember with my youngest I had one just before he was due, not the best way to prepare for a new addition. Hope you are feeling better soon

  28. I will keep my fingers crossed for you for the glucose tolerance test! I had gestational diabetes and it's rubbish! x

  29. Will keep my fingers crossed for you for the GT test

  30. I hope you feel better soon - I loved hearing the heartbeat of my babies, it is magical. Hope you have a great week! Kaz x

  31. Hopefully you'll start to feel better soon. 16 weeks was a real turning point for me. Good luck with the GTT test. I hope everything is OK

  32. It took a lot longer for my tiredness and nausea to go in this pregnancy, hopefully yours doesn't last much longer and you can start to feel like you're glowing xx

  33. Hope all continues to go well with your pregnancy and that you will feel better soon, having a cold when pregnant must be pretty horrible!xx

  34. Oh no sorry to see you have a cold hope it goes away soon. Your bump is super sweet xx

  35. Oh its so hard when you are pregnant and ill, let alone have a young family to look after too. Hopefully your other half has been helping out and looking after you too. Lovely to hear that everything is progressing well, just hope you feel better soon. Thanks for linking up to #MarvMondays especially when you've felt so unwell! Emily

  36. Well post its tell us how to successful your healthy pregnancy with net way thanks for share it Janet Darby .


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