How To Keep On Top of Your Blog When You're A Stay-at-Home Parent

I have been blogging for nearly three years now and I have been a stay-at-home mum for nearly four years. I can not believe how fast time has gone. I have loved working for myself and being my own boss. I can't see me ever going back 'out there' to work as I am enjoying working from home instead. I always like setting myself challenges and starting new things. I am the kind of person who will start one thing and not finish it but start something else. I am terrible at doing it actually. But blogging has been one thing I have stuck too and I can not see my stopping any time soon.

Being a stay-at-home parent and blogging from home has been hard especially that I have two children to look after too. Mia is in full time school and in after school club every Tuesday until 5-6pm but Elliw only goes to part-time school. In September she will be full time school but I will then have a nearly 3 month old little boy at home with me too. I am hoping he will like his naps during the day so I can still keep on top of my blog but I have plans on how to still keep on top of my blog either way.

Blogging with a 4 and 6 year old can be difficult especially when it gets to the holidays. But I can't stop blogging. I love blogging and it is my hobby. I love documenting my family life on my little online space and it does make me happy that I have actually achieved something too, such as having people actually reading my blog. My blog wouldn't be where it is now if I hadn't of carried on working hard on it. I have many people asking me how do I keep on top of my blog, how do I manage to write a post every day (most weeks) and how do I keep organised when I have two children to look after, housework and school runs to do. My reply is always determination and keeping to some sort of plan.

Blogging Space
I remember when I first started blogging I used to have my laptop on my lap. I wasn't very organised at the time, I was never keeping on top of my blog and missing deadlines. When I was getting more into blogging I found my paper work piling up and my notebooks needing space so I decided to move to the dining table (which we hardly use). I have also moved upstairs to my desk but having two children to look after I find it easier having my blogging space downstairs in the dining room for now. I feel more motivated to write posts and keeping on top of my blog when I have a desk.

Scheduele Posts once written
I have been trying to stick to this for a good while but I always suck at social media! I know I really need to pick up my game with social media and listen to my own tips. Once you finish writing a blog post, use Buffer to scheduele your Twitter posts and use your Facebook page to scheduele posts there. Social media is always a great way to update your readers on what you have written and what you have been up to. Schedueling posts once you have finished writing the post also makes things a little easier for you too.

Jot things down
This is one reason I go through loads of paper during the week and so many notebooks during the year. Once I get a blog post idea I prefer to write things down. Others prefer to jot it down on their phone or in their drafts. I have always been a paper kind of girl so that is my reason to writing my ideas down on paper.

Set Days
Being a parent it can be hard for you to set certain days for each week to blog but there are ways you can do it. Mia goes to after school club on a Tuesday for me so Tuesday afternoon (when Elliw goes to school) I forget everything else and I just blog. My other really busy blog days where I try and catch up on everything is Friday evenings, Saturday evenings and Sunday unless the weather is really nice. On the rest of the days I do a few hours here and there. If you do struggle to what days you could do it, you could write it down and do a time sheet.

Write a List
At the start of the week write a list of posts and other things blogging related you need to do. In this list you could add any sponsored posts you need to write by a certain deadline or a product review, aswell as blog post ideas to write down. Always start on the hardest ones first then work yourself down to finish the rest.

Stick to Deadlines
When you start writing Sponsored posts and publishing Guest posts you will have to get used to deadlines. I am not the type of person who keep to deadlines but with Blogging being my job I try my best too. I have income sheets where I write information on about when I published and when the deadline was. I also find writing a note on the fridge and having a reminder on your phone can help this.

Buy a Blog Planner
I really regret not buying a blog planner for last year as I know I would have been a lot more organised last year if I would have just bought one. I had seen a certain planner I had my eye on but the price was a little to steep and I don't earn enough yet to buy such expensive planners. However, just after Christmas I found a blog planner from Cocochicblog which was £15.99 to purchase. The planner has really helped me to keep on top of my work and keep organised.

Schedule posts
Atleast once a week I will sit down for a good few hours and just schedeule posts for the following week. I won't complete the whole week that day, it can take up to three days to do that but it really helps me to keep on top my blog and make sure I have at least one blog posts a day.

What times are best to blog when you are a stay at home parent?
Personally I would say when your child naps or in school. But if you have a child who doesn't nap and doesn't go to school yet, you could just try and work it around them such as bringing your laptop into the room they are at and write a draft then complete the post in the evening.


  1. My little one has decided to drop some of her naps and I have been finding quite difficult finding the time to blog. So thank you for sharing your tips with keeping on top of everything. Fingers crossed I will become more organised with my blog.:)

  2. Great post! I've found your tips really useful so I've pinned it on Pinterest!

    Sophie doesn't nap at all, so I do struggle finding the time to blog, especially as in the evenings I like to relax so don't get much done. Sophie started nursery today and I've managed to get a couple of posts written up! x

  3. Great, helpful post!
    It is so hard to keep on top of everything. I've started writing lists and am finding it helpful. I've also asked Spencer to buy me the blogger journal for my birthday and can't wait to start using it!

  4. I find it hard enough to plan and schedule and I only have myself to worry about so you're doing great. I think scheduling is great but for me it's the taking of images which seems to take forever. x

  5. This is a great post with some really helpful tips (not just for mums too!) I find it hard enough blogging with a teenager so I have a massive amount of respect for mums with younger children x

  6. Lots of great tips here! When we have kids, I will still be full-time blogging so I will be putting these tips to the test.

  7. Great tips! I have been blogging for almost 5 years, but it was only last September that I had all 3 kids in school, So I have had much more time to concentrate on my blog

  8. These are great tips! I'm intrigued to see how different it will be for me when Jack is at school full time

  9. Great tips, I must admit I do struggle and end up working late but with 3 children and not enough hours in the day it is hardly surprising.

  10. I can imagine it would be hard to stay on top of blogging when you are a stay at home parent - so much wanting to play instead of blog. x

  11. I have found it so hard these last few days with the kids been off school but I do try to follow these tips myself

  12. Great post and tips. I struggle blogging around my work, never-mind with kids!

  13. I'm not a stay at home mam but I do work from home so this post was definitely helpful for me xxx

  14. As a stay at home parent whose main income comes from blogging I agree with a lot of what you say above. I get up early and get a lot of stuff done before my kids get up, and then a lot is done when they're at school. I schedule nothing. I blog and post. It's all real time with me. :)

  15. I find sticking to deadlines so difficult! I know that I should be posting more consistently but at the moment it's just as and when I find the time/can be bothered. All of these are great tips that I think can be applied to all bloggers :)

  16. I'm a full-time student as well as a blogger and I find schedules an absolute necessity!

  17. These are wonderful tips - I am trying to make sure that I schedule further ahead - I seem to do well and then let it run out and then repeat haha! X

  18. great tips in general! ive started jotting things down and planning it in a notebook. its way better than when i was planning on my phone

  19. It can be so hard to keep track of everything when you are blogging and are having other responsibilities too but I am glad you are starting to reap the benefits xx

  20. You got me on Stick to deadlines. Blogging is a job/business if you will write a sponsored post. It gives susch discipline and of course trust from clients!

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