Just Another Linky #63

Hi everyone! You may have noticed this linky is a day later than usual. Being honest, I forgot! and I am finding it pretty hard keeping on top of work now as I am just feeling so uncomfortable but I have scheduled the next few weeks. As you all know {well, most of you} I am due a baby any time soon now so I will be having a few weeks off with commenting etc but the linky will still be running.

The lovely Kirsty had her last week of co-hosting last week, I am thinking of looking for another but for now I have just scheduled the linky for the upcoming weeks and going to do it alone for now. I hope the linky can still be some kind of success. I have added new things to the guidelines so please be sure to read them before linking up.

*  G U I D E L I N E S *

- When you link up be sure you are linking up a blog post only
- If you are taking part, make sure you comment on the post before you AND two other posts
- When commenting be sure to leave #justanotherlinky at the end of your comment
- Feel free to leave a badge or link at the end of your post, but I would appreciate it somewhere on your blog {eg. on a linky page, side banner etc}
- ANY kind of post can be linked up
- ANY kind of blogger can link up and join in
- There is no theme to this linky
- Please do not link up any giveaways, UNLESS it is a part of a detailed post

- Please do not link up more than two posts
- Linky is now open from Saturday until Wednesday 11.55pm. 

* S O C I A L  M E D I A *

- Feel free to tweet your post to me @lifeasmumblog and use the #justanotherlinky hashtage, I shall re-tweet you
- If I am not following you, please leave a comment on this page and let me know
- If you would like to be reminded on the morning of when the linky is open, do let me know

This is new to #justanotherlinky. We now have our very own hashtag #itsjustanothertag 
- I will be choosing 4 of my favourite images each week
- As this is new I will start showing my favourites from the 1st of August. As it will be the first one, I shall show my 8 favourite photos, you will all be tagged
- Feel free to tag me or follow me @lifeasmum_blog

We do have a Facebook page. Which you can find here. It would be great if you could all join, pretty please! It's basically a support page and a page you can share you posts. I will do a weekly thread too. More details to come on the page. 

Other new things to come to this linky is: Post with most comments, Blogger who's commented the most and my favourite post. 

Now all there is to do is, link up :) Enjoy! 

1 comment

  1. It sounds like you have lots of very exciting plans! Thanks for hosting x


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