Three Ways To Prepare For a Road Trip With Kids

A few weeks ago, I wrote about when we took Mia and Elliw to Llanelli for a little break. I wanted them to have a holiday before the baby arrives, but more than anything, I love taking them to new places and creating memories with them. I’ve always wanted to give them the very best in life that I can, and taking them on adventures means so much to me.

After the baby is born though, I’d still like to keep this going. I think it’s important that all of the kids feel as though we’re spending time together as a family – holidays are the perfect way to do it! As our littlest one will be very young though, we’ll probably be looking at driving to somewhere in the UK, and I’m sure many of you mums out there are faced with the same decision, and the same concerns about long drives with the children in tow. In today’s post, I thought I’d give you my top preparation tips for your next adventure.

1.      An emergency car kit
When my two girls were younger, I was always concerned that something would happen to the car; that I’d breakdown in the middle of nowhere, and I’d have nothing for emergencies. This is when I came up with the idea of keeping some emergency items in the boot of the car.

I always have a spare blanket, torch, first aid kit, wellington boots, and bottle of water in the boot just in case we are ever stuck somewhere. If you’re planning on taking a road trip in the UK, I’d suggest you do the same! It gives me complete peace of mind that I have everything covered.

2.      Mac in a Sac
When you’re holidaying in Britain, the one thing on everyone’s mind is the weather. You have no idea whether it will pour down with rain or if you’ll get brilliant sunshine for the whole time you’re there. With this in mind, it doesn’t hurt to be prepared!

Whilst surfing on the internet for adequate rain gear, I came across the Mac in a Sac – a waterproof poncho that can be quickly stuffed into the little bag that’s attached. I’ve picked up a women’s and men's waterproof poncho, as well as a couple of the kid’s rain suits. Make sure you check them out for your next trip!

3.      Portable games
Let’s not forget that going away is about having fun, but long car journeys can take their toll on the kids. As a parent, I like to try and turn everything into a positive, but I don’t want them to spend the whole holiday on their tablets and phones as they get older.

Why not think up some fun games for everyone to play together, either based on where you’re going or the things you see along the way? There are some great ideas right here.

Do you have any items you can’t do without?

1 comment

  1. Hi Beth,

    Absolutely brilliant advice! Going abroad can be a great experience for children, but as we all know sometimes it's hard to keep their attention and stop them from getting bored, especially while travelling. I especially like the idea of making up fun games the whole family can enjoy!



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