It Won't Last Forever {The Ordinary Moments}

My Freddie has been here for a month tomorrow and I have loved every single minute of it. I am trying my best to enjoy every single minute and take in every minute and everything that he does because he is my last baby and I will never be experiencing any of his 'firsts' again. It does make me sad that he is my last baby but he is just that extra special because he is my last. I am not going to lie, the last 4 weeks have been tiring, well, exhausting but also amazing.

As I am writing this post my little boy is sleeping on me on my nursing pillow after just finishing his feed {for the 100th time}. I feel like Freddie is constantly on me feeding, all day and night. I know it will pass one day though. When I start getting upset or a little bit frustrated that I just can't do my own thing anymore unless I stay up late after midnight {which I can't do!} I just start to think 'this won't last forever', he is my last baby so why am I complaining? Well, I think I have the right to go on and on saying I am shattered and so on but honestly, I won't be going through this again. Freddie is going to grow up fast, just like the girls. I think the more kids you have the more you realise you need to take more interest in what they do and so on because we know how fast they grow up.

Although I am exhausted, never get time to myself anymore and I have a baby stuck on me constantly through the day, I have loved every day since he was born. It's hard but as I said above, it won't last forever. I am not putting a 'perfect picture' up on here because the past four weeks have been difficult trying to juggle a newborn baby feeding constantly and looking after a 4 and 6 year old who are currently on their school summer holidays. Some days I won't have lunch, some days I won't have my dinner until past 9pm {or none at all} and 99% of the time, Freddie is feeding whilst I am eating my food too.

Freddie did his first smile a few days ago and it was just amazing. Waking up to my little boy every single morning, looking at his big blue eyes wondering everywhere is just the best feeling in the world. Knowing he is healthy and happy and he has two loving big sisters who just adore him so much makes me so happy. He really has completed our family and even though I am sad that I will never be pregnant again or go through having a newborn baby again, this little one, Freddie, is worth every pain, tear, upset and tiredness because I just know, this won't last forever.


  1. Freddie is very cute (love his name too!). the first few months are always tough. You're doing a fab job!

  2. Ah it's lush that you've been able to document his life like this from the very start x

  3. This is just the SWEETEST! I am totally in love with your little Freddie and I love to see your posts :) H x

  4. Awwh beautiful photos! I love the first month! Also my youngest (1) is also called Freddie!!

  5. You always hear people say enjoy it now because it won't last forever & it's true but you'll have this and your memories to look back on x

  6. Aw Freddie is just the cutest and it is amazing that he gave you your first smile the other day.

  7. AW there is some seriously cute photos include in this post! xx

  8. This is so sweet. You definitely have to live in the moment and cherish this time because it's full of firsts.

  9. He is adorable, and I bet you're wondering where the month has gone x

  10. Awww Freddie is so sweet. I really like his name. My cousin named her son freddie too :) xx

  11. Adorable and Fredde is so sweet. xx

  12. Aww he is such a cutie! I don't have children yet but I aim to cherish every moment with them when I do. I know from ym nephew how quickly they grow up and I already miss the cuddles I used to get with him as he is too big for cuddles now!

  13. Wow a month already? I cannot believe how quickly the time has flown x

  14. He is such a cutie! I understand why you're feeling because of these last firsts but so glad you're loving it! x

  15. Wow he is growing so fast. Enjoy every second of it Beth.

  16. Awwww. Being a mum is not an easy job but so worth it. Enjoy the early days with little Freddie xx

  17. This is lovely, I'm glad you're having a good time. What a cutie :)

  18. Awwh, he is so cute! Enjoy every second, which I am sure you are!

  19. Your little boy is adorable! Enjoy every moment as they grow so fast.

  20. He is just so so beautiful! I know what you mean though, those early days are so exhausting that you do feel a bit penned in. But like you said they grow up so quickly, and looking at it like that will keep you sane through the exhaustion xx

  21. Awww he's just adorable. They grow up far too fast!

  22. Those photos are so incredibly cute, they really grow up so fast it's crazy x

  23. He seems like such a good baby boo and his sisters are so sweet! Enjoy the moments like you always do!

    xoxo, Candice

  24. Honestly, these seem to be the scariest months for me personally. I'm not a parent yet and really think it would be difficult in the first months when the baby can't do absolutely anything independently and you just give up on all your life. I know it's only temporary, but still seems difficult to me.
    I guess, one day I will have to learn how it's done :)

  25. Freddie is just gorgeous lovely and I can't believe he has been here a month already. I wish more than anything I could get that month back with my baby boy, I relished every single second this time, even the hard and exhausting bits. I wish I could bottle it up and keep reliving it over and over. xx

  26. I'm doing the same I have had my last baby so am trying to enjoy every moment x


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