Six Months Of Memories / #OrdinaryMoments
29 Jan 2017
Freddie turned six months old nearly two weeks ago now, and I do wish time would slow down, just a little. Although I really do love watching him grow each day, learn new things and reach new milestones, I must admit I do miss the newborn days. He's changed so much in nearly two weeks. Every single day he seems to do something a little different, and it's amazing watching him. He babbles a lot more now and has said 'ba ba' and 'ma ma' a few times, and although he probably has no idea what 'ma ma' means, I love it when he says it. He has definitely found his own voice now and babbles away when he's outdoors in his pram or when we're at home. He's not that quiet little baby that we once had. But he's learning new things and reaching new milestones, which is amazing.
He loves being tickled under his arms, his thighs, his feet, his belly, basically everywhere. His laugh is just adorable. I absolutely love it when he gets into that laughing fit stage where he just can't stop. The baby laugh is just adorable, isn't it? The day I'm writing this (29th January 2017) he was in his Jumperoo watching 'Let's Play' on Cbeebies and he just burst out laughing, more than once, I have no idea why as they were just talking but it was hilarious and cute to watch.
Freddie absolutely adores his big sisters, and they adore him. After I had Elliw, I felt like I wasn't finished having kids. It was sad knowing Elliw wasn't going to be our littlest anymore but having Freddie our family now feels complete. She absolutely loves being a big sister, and she was super excited during my pregnancy. Each time both girls or one of them walk through to a room where Freddie is, he has a smile from one ear to the other. He loves watching the girls if they're playing, singing and dancing. He will even watch them if they're sitting down doing nothing. He is really nosy and interested in everything they do recently. It's lovely watching their bond grow stronger each day.
Throughout my pregnancy, I was trying to think what kind of crib I wanted and it was always between the Chicco Next2Me and the Snuzpod as I didn't want a Moses basket because I wanted something that would last longer than 5-6 months. As I decided to breastfeed this time, I thought a crib next to my side of the bed would be better. I went for the Snuzpod, and I absolutely love it. It's the best choice I made. Not once did I think I don't want to co-sleep because it didn't really enter my head. I didn't do it with Elliw because I wanted my space in the bed and I wasn't a single parent then like I was when Mia was a baby. The health visitor was about to tell me how to co-sleep safely because I was exhausted with waking up every single hour and feeding for a long period of time, then having to get up in the morning to my girls too. I told her straight that I didn't want to co-sleep and it was never going to happen. Not long after saying that, we started co-sleeping. It wasn't something I wanted to do, but I must admit I absolutely love the cuddles. I still do. I have probably made a bad habit, but I won't get these little moments back, and I've enjoyed every single cuddle I've had and more. Co-sleeping just felt right for both of us. It helped me with exhaustion (a little). Looking back I wouldn't have it any other way. We still co-sleep now. Recently he does seem to settle back in his crib better, which is good but he will still wake up either every hour or every 2-3 hours.
We've started a new routine where I settle him upstairs instead of downstairs. Before I would settle him to sleep downstairs and he would sleep then in his chair until my partner or myself go to bed. The new routine is that I feed him upstairs then settle him straight down in his crib. It's not been too bad and the first night I did feel sad, but I have started to get used to it slowly. When I come downstairs and look at his empty chair, it makes me realise how fast time has flown by. We have to go up to him about 1-6 times between 9 pm until we go to bed ourselves around 11 pm or midnight, to settle him back to sleep. It can get a little stressful at times, but most of the time I don't mind it too much. The times I get stressed is when there's a lot of work to do because I can't concentrate properly if I get distracted too much. I feel really guilty when I get stressed out, and just end up crying when I am feeding him to settle him back, but I think that just happens when things get on top of me and want a little break. It feels different this time than the girls because it's me that has to settle Freddie as he is breastfed and I don't express. I do find the evening feeds a lovely bonding time for us both though. Something I will always remember. The smiles he does between feeds just melt my heart and when I feed him sometimes he will just latch on and off, look up at me and give me the biggest smiles, along with holding and playing with my hand.
Freddie's been teething since he was a couple of months old and he had his first two teeth around 3 and a half months if I remember rightly. He's now cutting his 8th tooth, and his 8th tooth is one of his back ones. Mia had her first tooth at 4 months, but Elliw didn't have hers until around 6 or 7 months. He's learnt how to grind his teeth, and it makes my stomach turn when he does it. I'm sure he knows it makes me ill because he does it all the time.
He's reached many milestones in his first six months of his little life, and I do feel proud and so happy. It brings back a lot of memories of when Mia and Elliw reached the same milestones. There are so many little things I had forgotten when the girls were babies. That's one reason I am glad I started blogging as I can write everything down and look back in years to come and remember the littlest things. I absolutely love it when Freddie holds his hands together when he sleeps and plays with my fingers when he is feeding. It really does melt my heart. He crosses his little legs when he's sitting in his pram, chair or car seat which is adorable. He's getting really strong with his back and is able to sit unaided for a longer period of time now. He managed to sit himself up in his bouncer chair the other day (28/01/2017), and I let him sit there as I was near but he started to go forward as if he was trying to climb out, but I grabbed him just before the chair tipped. That'll be one less baby item we will need, in a few weeks time.
My littlest baby won't be my baby for long. He will be known as a toddler and then a child. Time sure does fly by, and it goes even faster after each baby you have. I honestly do not know where the past six months have gone. He's learnt so many new things, and I can see his next monthly update being a big one. It's amazing watching a little person you created growing up to be just an amazing little one.
Being a Mum of three is bliming well hard, but oh, so worth it.
I am linking up to The Ordinary Moments, Marvellous Mondays, Monday Morning Club, Post From The Heart, #KCACOLS

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Oh he is just so cute - and I can't quite believe how fast he's growing!!
ReplyDeleteHe sounds like he is flying through life, it is crazy how fast it goes, my littlest is two in a few days time and I really mis those newborn days still! x
ReplyDeleteSuch cute pictures! Like they say, the day are long years are short! #marvmondays
ReplyDeleteThat is such a cute picture of your three children together :)
What a cute little man! Time really does fly, doesn't it? My girls are now 5 and 8 but I remember the very little sleep, and co-sleeping with my first. It's hard to make those decisions sometimes. You're doing a great job mama!
aww six months is a big milestone and such a lovely baby time. I love the photos of Freddie and his sisters, you have a beautiful family x #MMBC
ReplyDeleteAww! Time seems to go so quickly when they are little.
ReplyDeleteGorgeous photos!
Such lovely photos. Really made me smile. Thank you #marvmondays
ReplyDeleteAh this is so lovely and I can so relate as obviously we have the exact same family set up as you. I feel so sad the time is going so quickly but yet it is the biggest joy having a baby in the house again- we all adore our baby boy. And Freddie is gorgeous, what a lovely little boy he is. x
ReplyDeleteI bet those six months have gone so quickly! You look and sound like such a close family. Beautiful post - it must be so hard but you're right - so worth it x
ReplyDeleteFreddie is such a cutie pie. Every time I read his updates I cant believe how much hes grown. I cant believe hes got 8 teeth already! Im stil waiting for Louis to cut his first. Although its probably not a bad thing to be honest. I dont know how you do it with three, but it sounds like you do an amazing job. I bet it is the best thing looking at their three little faces each night :-) Lovely post, thanks for sharing it on #MarvMondays.
ReplyDeleteWhat a gorgeous little boy. Time definitely goes by far too quickly! I can't believe my youngest is 2 already! Crazy.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful pics of you all too :)
Thanks so much for linking up with #MMBC. Hope to see you Monday xx
Hi Beth, Freddie is growing up fast. He's like a little man now and looks like a cheeky chappie. The photo of him with his sisters is lovely.
ReplyDeleteI was never a fan of co-sleeping, purely because I am such a light sleeper anyway, but when one of the children was sick it made sense to.
I hope Freddie starts letting you get more sleep soon, tiredness is not funny!
Gosh , that has gone so quick. What a beautiful boy and what a precious thing to be able to document his early years. Thanks for linking up to #postsfromtheheart