The summer holidays are here! As exciting as it can be not having to rush in the mornings to do the school runs and not having to live life around school runs, it can be stress too trying to think of things to do with the kids for the whole six weeks that they are off. I've gathered up 50 things you could do with the kids this summer to keep them busy and make memories too.
1. Paint rocks
2. Visit the beach
3. Go cycling
4. Bake cookies
5. Make a fort
6. Have a water fight
7. Visit a farm
8. Have a picnic
9. Start a summer journal
10. Visit a park
11. A-Z scavenger hunt
12. Host a BBQ!
13. Make your own pizzas
14. Visit a National Trust
15. Go strawberry picking
16. Go to a local fair
17. Sell at a carboot sale
18. Feed the ducks
19. Plant flowers
20. Build a den outdoors
21. Be superheroes for the day
22. Visit a museum
23. Play board games outdoors
24. Make your own bird house
25. Make your own play-dough
26. Go swimming
27. Visit local events
28. Go for local walks
29. Visit a zoo or sea aquariums
30. Make your own smoothies
31. Go to the cinema
32. Water paint the patio/walls
33. Bake cakes
34. Make ice lollies
35. Go camping!
36. or camp in the backgarden
37. Camp indoors
38. Have a movie night
39. Make homemade jam
40. Visit friends/family
41. Play mini golf
42. Chalk hopscotch outside
43. Make fruit kebabs
44. Treasure hunt
45. Visit a local market
46. Go to a water park
47. Make ice cream
48. Have a game night
49. fly a kite
50. Visit a castle
Why not visit the countryside? Here are ten ideas for getting outside in the Country!
Why not visit the countryside? Here are ten ideas for getting outside in the Country!
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