Maintaining Your Fitness When You Have a Hectic Family Routine

When you have kids, your life inevitably begins to revolve around them. Not only do you begin to
prioritise their wants and needs - putting them before yourself - but you also have the commitment
of ensuring they’re in certain places at certain times. You’ll find yourself occupied with the gargantuan
task of ensuring they become healthy, happy and well-rounded adults. You’ll find yourself running
them back and forth to nursery, school, after school clubs, extracurricular activities and more.
All things considered, it’s not all too surprising that many parents find themselves struggling to fit
their own exercise routines into the mix. Where are you supposed to find the time? But it is extremely
important that you remember you need sufficient exercise too. It is generally recommended that the
average adult gets one hundred and fifty minutes of moderate aerobic exercise a week or seventy five
minutes of vigorous aerobic exercise a week. The good news is that this is generally achievable.
Here are some tips and tricks that will help you hit these targets - no matter how far off they may
initially seem.

Remember Exercise Doesn’t Need to Be Expensive

When we have kids, we tend to find ourselves being pretty frugal with our own purchases. We’ll find
ourselves thinking that money spent on ourselves could be better spent on our kids. But it’s important
that you give yourself a little here and there. Exercise really doesn’t need to be expensive. You just
need to prioritise the areas you choose to invest in. You should make sure you have good gym wear,
like a reliable and supportive pair of running trainers, breathe easy fabric tops and stretchy gym
bottoms. It’s also important that you ensure you have any support you may need, like knee supports,
ankle supports, shoulder supports, or other supports. Once you’ve got the basics, exercise can
actually be completely free. A run around the nearest park doesn’t cost a thing!

Consider Personal Training

Another reason people often end up swerving exercise is because they find themselves running
around after their kids instead. We’ll end up taking our little one to an extra activity instead of heading
to the gym like we planned. Or we’ll just feel worn out by the general demands of our little ones and
choose to rest and do absolutely nothing when we find ourselves with an hour or two free. But you
do need to exercise and there are ways to encourage yourself to stick to your routine. The most
effective thing to do is often to get in touch with a personal trainer. Knowing you’re paying for
personal training, or that you’ll be letting your trainer down if you don’t turn up to your session is
often sufficient reason to stick with your plan and keep up with your fitness routine. Personal trainers
can also create a workout that ticks all your boxes and will help you achieve your goals more
effectively. Take a look at some reliable and recommended personal trainers at

Exercise With Your Kids

Exercise can actually be a family affair that you can get your kids involved in too if you find you
don’t have time away from the kids to carry out your own work out. In fact, exercise can be a fun
activity and a great bonding experience. Consider taking a bike ride through the park if you all have
bikes. A walk through a nature reserve can also be fun. Swimming is a great day out where your
little ones are bound to enjoy splashing about - and it can teach them a valuable and potentially
life saving skills at the same time. Exercise doesn’t necessarily have to take place outside of the
house either! You could stick the stereo on and have a little family disco, where you all dance
about the house and build up a sweat with smiles on your faces.

These, of course, are just a few ways you can incorporate exercise into your already hectic schedule. While exercise may not feel like a top priority, it really is essential for your health. It’ll improve your stamina, build your strength, optimise your flexibility, and general make you healthier all round - this is beneficial for you and the little ones you’re looking after. So, lay more emphasis on it and make it one of your priorities!

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