5 Ways To Drive Safely
3 Oct 2019
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Although I haven't passed my driving test yet, I am a person who thinks strongly about safe driving. I think strongly that no one should be behind the wheel after drinking alcohol, or even behind the wheel while texting or on the phone to someone. I am a very anxious person as it is, but I think it's very important to keep to the driving rules when you are actually behind the wheel. If you do not follow the rules then not only are you putting yourself at risk, you are putting other families, children, the elderly and other people at risk too.
Kwik Fit have currently launched a campaign called Driven to Distraction where they have created an interactive quiz where you can see how easily distracted you can be when a mobile phone appears. I have also taken the quiz, and I was shocked by how slow I actually was. The phone and text messages sure did distract. Here were my results:
I thought I'd share five ways to drive safely, there are many other ways too, but here are five:
Silence Your Phone
Mobile phones can easily distract you when you're driving. From texting, phoning or catching up on notifications. When you hear your phone ring or beep, it's tempting to take a look, but from the second you move your head to concentrate on your phone your distraction and concentration on the road becomes less and less which causes you higher risk at causing an accident.
Don't Speed
Speed limits are there for a reason. You might think you need to somewhere quick, but being a little late somewhere is better than causing an accident on the road. It's so important to keep at the speed limit, there is no point speeding. It's not worth the risk.
Be Alert
If you are feeling tired, stressed or upset, take a break or a nap if needed and don't drive until you feel awake, calmer, and refreshed. When you're behind the wheel, you need to be able to concentrate on what you are doing and have quick reactions if needed.
Don't Drink & Drive
The last thing you want to do after a night out is to be behind the wheel. Not only are you risking your life, but you're risking other people's lives too. If you know, you are going out for a drink or two or more make sure that you have planned your journeys home by booking a taxi or possibly having somewhere to stay nearby if you have a friend that lives close by.
Car Maintenance
It's important to make sure that your car is in good condition and up to date with all car services. Especially if you are planning any long car journeys. It's also a good idea to make sure you check your car over regularly too.
* This is a collaborative post.

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