Well for my two they were both okay with it up until Mia reached roughly 2 years old and when Elliw reached around 1 years old. Recently we have been doing our weekly food shop online or i do a small one in the week then we go to Aldi's or Lidls on the weekend where Elliw is with us and Mia is in her Dads. Elliw does get bored but because i've done a small shop in the week, we are not in the shop as long as usual! On the other hand if i fancy going to town for the day - one word - stress! Especially now that Mia doesn't go in the pram. Mia can get bored really quickly and once she is bored that is where her temper comes out. We have actually lost her twice, it was one of the worst things ever. She was safe though! She just thought it was ok to hide behind the knickers in Peacocks and to just run around the shop in New Look!
If you're in the same situation here are a few tips too make shopping trips fun for kids!
Make them a list
Make a list, maybe if you're going food shopping, draw or print the food out and put boxes on the sides of the pictures and let them tick each one when the food is in the trolley! Mia loved doing this.
Let them help you
Let your kids help you shop! How? If they are walking ask them if they can find something you want in your list and let them find it in the aisle and put it in the trolley. This makes them feel grown up and happy!
Ask questions
When you pick something off the shelves describe the product, maybe ask what colour it is and if they like it.
Bring snacks
Bring their favourite snacks or if you haven't got any buy some in the shop, you can easily open the packet in the shop before you pay, just make sure you don't rip the barcode! We do this all the time.
Make Shopping Easier*
Plan your shop. Make a list of what you need from the shop. Bring some toys or/and snacks for the children. Don't go out when your children are due a feed or due food or a nap!
Warn your child about 2-3 times before going too the shop. Tell them they have too be good. Make sure they hold the pram, trolley or your hand at all times.
Expect your child to missbehave - this way maybe you can be one step ahead from your child.
Just always remember Children do find it very boring to go out shopping with us parents. Think how bored we get doing the weekly thing, it's even worse for them! Maybe sometime you might just have too leave your shopping and leave the shop! But in other cases - do not let them get their own way as they will think if they do it all the time then they can just leave the shop without you doing a shop!
How are you children when you're shopping?
Great post.....My two are getting better behaved when we're shopping....Phew!