Things too do indoors when it is raining.


The rain has come back, well into Wales it has. As i'm writting this post - it's raining but it is still warm. Usually i am at home during the day because Mia is still in part-time school so i have to stay around the village i live in. It's always nice to take the children out for a walk when it's nice but when it rains you're stuck in the house wondering what to do with them! You don't want them to get bored - but yet you don't want them to get soaking wet from playing out side and with the warm weather and rain there's more chance to catch a cold and so on! Here are a few things to do indoors when it is raining - 

1. Colour & Draw - I think all kids love to colour & draw don't they?! Elliw loves colouring, but yet she's still at that age where she's still biting all of the crayons - so we have no crayons in this house at the moment. But Christmas i will be buying them loads of colouring things. Mia can sit down with a pen and paper for hours. 

2. Jigsaws - Why not get a jigsaw out and join in with the kids. This learns them to concentrate aswell as playing and enjoying themselves!

3. Board Games - We all love those old board games don't we?! Why not on a rainy day get them out and play with them with your kids! I'm not too keen on these techonology things such as PS3 etc especially for a young child to play them - i think kids have more fun playing board games than these computers!

3. Computer Games - As i said in the tip above i'm not to so keen on computer games etc! But i do let Mia play Cbeebies Games once i a while - which is not very often to be honest. But she does enjoy it - get trouble trying to get her off it but i guess that is kids for you! 

4. Messy Time! - All kids love messy time! Get the paint out let them do whatever they want with it (on the paper of course) or what about a bowl of water maybe? If you have right floor i guess! :-)

5. Lazy Comfy Day - Stay in pyjamas, Get the quilt, get the films and get the munch! Simple :) 

Or maybe just stick their wellies on with their rain coats and let them play out side in the puddles! My girls love jumping in puddles! Or as Mia says - in muddy puddles! 

What do you like doing on a rainy day?

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