Past couple of days i've noticed my youngest daughter changing and growing up so quick all of a sudden. Her face is starting to loose the 'baby face' and she is trying her best to talk a lot more. One thing, she really does know what she exactly wants and if she doesn't get it then that's when she throws her big tantrum.
I love looking back on old photos. Looking at how much they have changed! Elliw's face has deffintley changed but still looks a spitting image of her Dad (my partner). Every time she sees a camera she loves giving a pose and a cheeky smile along with saying 'cheese'.
This past week she has been saying a lot more words. But i have noticed she is copying most of her words from her Big sister Mia. She repeats and copies alot of things from Mia. I love the fact that i get some kind of sense from her when i ask her questions, but still a little worried her speech isn't as good as it should be. But atleast she is starting, thats a plus i think.
I really can't believe she is going to be 2 years old in less than a month. (March 5th). These two years have flown by. I really can't believe how fast it has gone. Having one child it goes fast but having to it goes ten times faster. Since we are going to bed very busy, i am just going to plan a small get together. Nothing big, just something small for the family.
She's changed loads since that first picture! How long ago was it taken? x