This is the Front Room. We are planning to have this room for just me and Iwan. I am going to make my own little corner for my laptop and all my papers!
This will be the girls bedroom! They will be sharing (GOD help me!) I have painted all the walls a 'Pretty Pink' colour and then there will be wallpaper on the chimney breast. I am doing the 2nd coat of the painting tomorrow evening.
This is mine and Iwans bedroom! Can't wait to do this room up! We've got a few ideas what kind of colours we want, it looks like we are going for quite a dark-ish warm colour, since the rest of the house is going to light!
This is the hall way. We're going to leave the wallpaper on the bottom half. It would be a killer to try get off cause of the amount of paint they have put on it, but we don't mind it for now! Just paint it a different colour I think!
I really can not wait to move into our very own home. We have lived in 2 private rent properites and we do call it home but really it's just someone else's house that we are paying a ridiculous amount to live in every month. So really can't wait to get out of here now!
Will update you all soon!
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