B&W Photo Project. Week #1

I LOVE taking photos of my family. There are certain photos that look much better Black and White and I have quite a few saved on my laptop. This is why I have decided to join PODCast's link up this week.
The first photo I have chosen is my Taid and Elliw. They were both just about to go for a walk to the beach, I love how theyre both smiling and laughing in this photo. Deffintley a photo I will be printing out to put in a frame and in the albums.
The second photo I have chosen is of me with my little nephew Osian. Osian's mum also blogs! You can find her blog over at lovedbymummy.


  1. Fabulous photos and you're so right some were just meant to be in black and white. Love the second one especially although they're both beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing with #bwphotoproject, it's going to be lots of fun :)

  2. Both lovely pictures and I totally agree some pictures just look better and more timeless in black and white #bwphotoproject

  3. Love both of these shots! x

  4. Wonderful photos, both full of feeling :) #bwphotographyproject

  5. Love both of these shots. The top one is full of fun, the bottom one is so tender. Wonderful in black and white x #bwphotoproject

  6. Lovely photos and they look great in black and white x


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