When I was pregnant with Mia in 2009 I knew I wanted a job straight after I had. I didn't want to rely on the government I wanted to earn my own money. When she was born, about a month after I went to Careers Wales which was a place that helped me to fill CV's and job applications etc. I went there every single week. 5 months down the line I finally had a job. A job in a nursery, which I loved because I had qualified a Childcare course in College. I remember going for the interview, so nervous then at the end the boss said I could start the week after. I was so happy and so excited I couldn't wait to tell my Dad the news! He was really happy for me.
When I fell pregnant with Elliw I decided to move 30 minutes away to my partners home village and we private rented a house. I still went on a bus early morning to make sure I was there by 9am or 9.30am. But being pregnant I used to feel really ill on the bus, and It didn't only take 30minutes it took much longer on the bus with the traffic and people coming on and off. Didn't help that I needed to hold a pram too, maybe what I could of done was put Mia into nursery in the village I live in, but I didn't think about that at the time. I went on maternity leave when I was 30 weeks pregnant and I knew I wasn't going back to work so a month before my maternity leave I decided to hand my notice in. That was the time I became a Stay-At-Home mum!
As Iwan works full time, I still don't get benefits and we got no help with housing or council tax. It was and still is difficult but we're coping. For the past year now I have been looking for evening or weekend jobs. Not long ago there was a job going as a playworker in after school club in Mia's school which was ideal. It is 2-3 hours a day but I wont be working every day. Anyway, I went to the interview which was on Tuesday 8th July 2014. I was so nervous, I went in and all I did was stutter! I could feel the sweat going down my face. I kept thinking to myself 'what the hell is wrong with me?!' I knew i'd be a little nervous but couldn't understand why I was that nervous. When I walked out I knew I messed it up!
Waiting for that phone call that afternoon, time was so so slow! The phone rang! I had the job!! I couldn't belive it. They said they could see I came out more in the end. I was so happy. I've finally got a job. It starts in September and I can not wait!
Congratulations on the new job! Good luck x