Lapland Mailroom Review

I can't believe it is nearly Christmas time again! Where has the past 12 months gone? It just feels like last week that I was getting excited for Christmas 2013 and preparing to enter the New Year 2014. I am really excited for Christmas this year, the girls are older so they understand a bit more about Christmas especially Mia. I am really interested in how she is going to be Christmas eve night, is she going to sleep all night? or is she going to wake up a few times full of excitement! I started Christmas Eve boxes last year and I will be doing them again this year however one thing I have never done is given them a letter from Santa. The last few months of the year we are allowed to say that 'Santa is watching!' and if they miss-behave then they're not allowed no presents. So I think it is a good thing to have a letter from Santa to show that the child has been good and deserves the presents, plus it gets them super excited! I have been kindly chosen to review some letters and activities from Santa for Mia and Elliw.

There are 4 slightly different letters too choose from so you can make them unique and not the same if you have more than one child. You also get a space at the bottom of the letter to write something personal that you want to say. I wasn't sure what to say but that is what I decided to have (in photo below).

I love the way how the paper looks 'old' with the 'coffee stained' paper look. Another great thing about this pack is that it comes full packed with activities too. They can colour and cut out a few things and even colour themselves in a 'Santa Stop Here' sign. There is also a Christmas Card to colour in with a blank inside so you can write what you want inside. These are sure to keep my girls busy! A plus with these activities are not in thin paper, they are on card paper which is great for children and worth the money.

Another great piece to this pack is a Certificate for the child. Every child loves to be praised and what's better than getting a 'Nice Child List Certificate' from Santa Clause! They're going to be super excited when they see this! I can just see Mia showing everyone her Certificate.

Overall, this product is a 5/5 for me. I think it is a great letter to be sent to your child from Santa! Full of activities, letter and certificate that your children will definitely get excited over and get them even more excited for Christmas.

Please note that this company has now closed. Please do not order.

* I was given this product free of charge to do an honest review. All words, photos and opinions are my own.

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