I woke up this morning about to get ready for the usual Monday morning, getting the kids ready to take Mia to school! I really could not be bothered, I was so tired. When I woke up I thought it was about 3am in the morning. My partner told me it was white outside, I had a look and I couldn't see much because it was still pretty dark since it had only just turned 7am. I decided to go back to bed for a bit but I was wide awake then. My partner went off to work and the girls came up into bed with me and I was trying to find out if the school was open or not. I had another look out of the window and I could see that the road leading up too the bridge that we walk over was covered in snow so I decided not to risk taking her to school, plus I didn't fancy pushing a pram in the snow either. Mia was super excited having a day off school.
I'm not a big fan of snow but today it was really nice. Plus it has all melted now! Which is what I like! I love watching it come down and playing in the snow with the girls a bit. I hate it when it stick all day/night and turns into ice the next day. When the girls came in they had their lunch and played on the iPad and Innotab for a bit then they went to go and play in the playroom together. They have been so well behaved today. I couldn't of asked for a better day. It's been such a nice change having both girls at home all day.
Did you have snow where you are?
Aww! Bless them! So sweet! It looks like they had a fantastic time! We were forecast snow today but it hasn't arrived :(