Caring Sisters

Since we have come from holiday Elliw has been wanting Mia with her all the time. We've noticed if Mia is in school or over at her Dad's on the weekends then Elliw gets upset a few times wanting her sister. Especially since half term has finished she was used to Mia being with her every day and every minute of the day so when I picked Elliw up from playgroup on Monday at 11am, she was crying for Mia wanting me to get her from school to bring her home.

Although it upsets me seeing Elliw upset I am happy that she loves and cares about her older sister so much. Since Elliw was born she has adored Mia. Looking at everything she does, copying everything she does but doing it 10 times worse if it's a bad thing. The love and care between both girls is lovely to see.

Sometimes Mia will go through a stage of not wanting to play with Elliw or not wanting to hold Elliw's hand whilst we go for a walk but I can't blame her sometimes because Elliw's temper can get too much at times and she can be very hard to handle but it is something we are trying to stop. The amount of hair pulling, slaps, pinches, punches, slaps, kicks and screaming Mia has had from Elliw is unreal but Mia still loves her little sister and is very protective over her.

dear beautiful
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Running in Lavender


  1. Aww! Bless them....They are adorable.
    It sounds like they have a lovely relationship most of the time....hehehe

  2. They're so cute in the pictures you'd think butter wouldn't melt in their mouths!! But they also sound like lovely real life little girls too and it's wonderful that they're such great friends - most of the time!

  3. Gorgeous photos - they look so cute :D

  4. They look like great pals! #brilliantblogposts

  5. Oh what a lovely friendship they have! My twins are the same - can't bear to be apart. Lovely photographs of them together. Jess x #mycapturedmoment

  6. Cute photos! They look adorable :) #BrilliantBlogPosts

  7. Awww!! They are lovely moments captured! My two are the same and miss each other when they are apart. It's so lovely that they are such good friends x

  8. Grace says - What a lovely relationship they have. I bet they get into real mischief together......... ;) #mycapturedmoment

  9. Oh lovely post and selection of captured moments. Having two daughters myself, I know exactly what you mean - there's definitely special bond between sisters. Thanks for linking up xx


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