When I fell pregnant with my first child at the age of 16 I was at college. Luckily, I only had 2 months left until I finished my course. I passed my course and the first thing that came to my head was 'I want to work', but who would take on a 16 year old who's 3 months pregnant?

My Dad works in a Primary school as a Caretaker and he came up to me one day and asked if I would like to help out in an After School/Holiday Club through the Summer and I thought yes why not! I had worked in the school through college as a Teaching Assistant so I knew the children and I knew the school. My first day came, I was excited but nervous. If I remember, it was quite hot that day. The children lined up ready to go out to play then next minute my head was spinning and I fainted. All I remember is waking up, the headmaster coming to help me up and the children watching me. I felt like a complete failure. My first day at a job I was offered and I ruined it. Did I go back again? No. I don't blame them either, I was obviously not fit enough to work if I was fainting, especially with children. I had my first scan a day after, everything was fine.

When Mia was born in December 2009 I had to sign on so I could get some money. I was not entitled to any benefits through my pregnancy, so I had to rely on my Dad because Mia's Dad didn't want to be involved. I felt horrible filling those Income Support forms. January 2010 I went straight down to Careers Wales, with Mia. Careers Wales is a company who helps young adults find a job. I went there for about 4 to 5 months. They were even shocked that I went there and my baby was only 1 month old. It wasn't that I wanted to get away from Mia and not spend time with her, I wanted a job because I wanted to make her proud. I wanted to earn my own money. I didn't want to sponge off the government. I am not against anyone who claims off the government by the way.

June 16th 2010 I had a phone call. I had my first job interview. No words could describe how happy I was. The interview was for a Nursery, which was perfect because I had the qualifications for it. My Dad dropped me off and looked after Mia for me whilst I went in. The interview was really laid back, the Boss showed me around and said a few things about their routine etc. Next thing, she asked if I could start the following week. Of course, I said yes. I was lucky enough to have Mia with me. I worked 16 hours, I was off income support and I've never been back on it since.

Unfortunately, I had to quit my job as a Nursery Assistant when I had Elliw. I moved away to live with my partner and the village is about 30 - 40 minutes away. I couldn't drive and the childcare costs would have been really expensive. My partner works full time so I decided to be a Stay At Home Mum to my girls. I did get a job September 2014 but it only lasted around 2 months because the hours were so short, so I was paying out more childcare than I was earning.

2 Years ago I started Blogging. The main reason I started blogging was to document Mia and Elliw's life. Something they can look back at when they are older. In the past 2 years, it has grown to be much more than that. I have been very lucky to have been able to work with some fantastic companies. I get to review some great products and I have been able to get paid for some posts. This has grown more in the past few months. Last month I made a great sum which was only £53 less than my first job's wages. How great is that?

My only problem is, I say I am work-from-home mum but I get certain people out there who just laugh when I say my work-from-home job is 'Blogging' or even when I just say I work from home. What is the problem? I really don't know. There are many people out there who work from home. Not many people around my area know about Blogging. They don't know the amount of hard work you have to put into a blog. They don't know that you can get paid great money if you work hard on your blog. Yes, my blog is mainly to document my children's lives and memories but it also my wage. I have only started saying that I work from home. I don't care what other people have to say anymore. I am slowly trying to get myself to a Full-time blogger instead of a part-time blogger. I am just trying to find more time.

I am doing what I love. I am doing what I enjoy. I love writing and I love jotting down memories of me, my girls, my partner and family. I love helping others and that is why there are a lot of tips & advice on this blog. If I work with fantastic companies and I get good money, why shouldn't I say I work from home?

Do any other Bloggers class themselves are working from home by Blogging? thumbnailsize


  1. I have been doing the same (working online) since Al Gore invented the internet. Don't give up, things do get tough. But hanging through the hard times makes coming through to the good that much better

  2. IT's easy to say but hard to do - don't concern yourself with what other people think. I'm considering my employment options as I've been a SAHM for the last 3 years. But I now feel like I'd like to get back on the employment ladder. I'd love to think that my blog could financially sustain me but I just can't see how that's possible :( Good luck to you though. Feel proud of what you've achieved.#justanotherlinky

  3. Well I say screw them if they have that opinion then best ignore it..especially seeing as they don't really understand the first thing about blogging. I think blogging does come with a certain stigma (probably thanks to certain selfie obsessed bloggers who really put blogging on the map back in the day but we couldn't be further from those people. You are doing what you love and earning for it to boot - more than many could wish for so keep it up! First time on this linky so thanks for hosting. #JustAnotherLinky

  4. I agree with Talya's comment. Screw 'em


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