I hate housework. I really do. I spend most of my time cleaning the kitchen as that is the room that gets used mostly in the day. I'm either cooking, cleaning, keeping things away or doing the dishes. I am greatful that we do have great technology around now days unlike how life used to be years and years ago, where they had to boil water on a hob or on top of a fire. We are lucky to have what we have.
Of course, in years to come again, things are going to be different. Our time now is going to really old fashioned when our children, grand-children and great-grandchildren are older. It's a pretty scary thought isn't it? But it's a little weird too as I really can't imagine our sense of style and appliances at home to be old fashioned, in future. But there are going to be a lot of things that are going to replace our current appliances in our household.
Legal and General have done some interesting research about the kitchen of the future and I was asked to share my dream kitchen of the future.
There are many kinds of appliances I would like in my future kitchen -
Cooker knows when food is cooked
This may never happen but I am really fussy on how I cook my meats. One of the main reasons my partner always {most of the time} cooks our gammons, sausages and other meats is because I always over cook, as I'm a little paranoid in case I get food poisoning. I would love that one day there will be a cooker to beep once the food is cooked. And me not having to go there every 5-8 minutes turning it over.
2 second boil kettle
Again, maybe something that may never happen. Maybe it will though? I hate waiting for the kettle to boil when I was a cup of tea!
Washer and Tumble
Another thing I hate is washing clothes. We are very lucky that we don't have to hand wash all the clothes, like they did years ago. But I would love there to be a washing machine which also turns into a tumble dryer straight after it has finished.
No more washing powder
How expensive is washing powder and washing conditioner?! I am a little obsessed buying them and I know we could save loads if we didn't buy them but they always get used. I'd love there to be a washing machine where you don't have to put the powder or conditioner in, but still make the clothes smell nice? Is and will that ever been possible?
Future Fridge
This may be an odd one but for me its genius! You get one shelf or box in your fridge which you can only enter at certain times of the day. How cool would that be? I'd definitely loose loads of weight with that!
What would be your dream appliance in the kitchen for the future?
* In collaboration with Legal & General. I was not paid for this, but was give a product in return to write this post. All words are mine.
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