My Top iPhone Apps

I've had my iPhone since October {2014}. I previously had a Samsung Galaxy S3 for two years. It was one of the worst phones ever {and I mean ever!}. I had never complained of so much problems with a phone before. I thought my previous phone {Blackberry} was bad but my Galaxy S3 just topped it off by being the worst phone I had ever owned.

Choosing the iPhone 5S was pretty easy. It was a first choice. My partner has got the same phone so I knew it was good. 8 months on and I still love it. I never downloaded many things with my S3 because it kept crashing and switching off all the time. Up to now, my iPhone has been great *touch wood*. I would be lost without my phone. I use it for keeping in touch with friends, sharing and taking photos, keeping up to date with appointments and searching things online.

I think Facebook is one of my main ways to keep in touch with friends. It's like my 'morning read' each morning I wake up. It's a great way to read gossip and get up to date news about things. It's also a great way too keep in touch with people who live far away or on the other side of the world! I have found it a great way to keep up with other Blogger's posts too. Life-As-Mum has a Facebook page too!

I love Instagram! If anyone knows me personally, then they know I am the one who is forever taking photos. I always have a camera or my phone out with me, wherever I go! My Instagram is half for my Blog and half to help me with keeping on track with slimming world which hasn't really worked the past few months but I am getting there. You can find my Instagram page here.

 When I first installed Snapchat I found it boring. I didn't understand it and didn't see the point in it. I only wanted to see what all the fuss was about really. Now I do see what the fuss is about! I love it! I've got more 'friends' on it too so I can have a nosey a bit more now than before. I mainly snapchat my partner and two close friends.

 What's App is a great app to have on your phone. An app you can send and receive texts and photos for free! Much cheaper than paying for texts or going over your contract limit isn't it.

Timehop is something I click open every single morning. It's not that brilliant for me so far since I only made my personal Facebook account roughly 2 years ago. So next year it will be a bit better. I wish I hadn't made a new Facebook just so I can see more 'timehops'. It's a lovely app too see how people have changed in looks and how they have grown up and too see what you were doing this time last year.

I am so glad I am slowly getting the hang of Twitter. It really has helped me with my Blog and gaining more traffic. I have also found so many new Bloggers through Twitter which I am so greatful for! They're all amazing. My Twitter user is; @lifeasmumblog

Have you got any favourite apps?


  1. Yes I have all of these too and love them, apart from Snapchat which I still don't really get although I do use it every now and then :-)

  2. Haha all these are my favs too, although kind of gone off snapchat recently but I am sure as I go on holiday soon I will be sharing some snaps.

  3. I'm not an Apple girl {I think they hog EVERYTHING, haha} but I do have all of these apps on my android phone except Snapchat....Is it weird I find it creepy? lol x

  4. Is it difficult for a 2 years experienced programmer to write a code for a tracking parenting app like this ?


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