I'm Having a Baby Boy...

I have longed for a baby boy. For a son. Don't get me wrong I absolutely adore my two beautiful daughters. I wouldn't change them for the world. They are my world. Being a Mam to two girls for over 6 years and then to find out at 14 weeks 5 days at my 3D gender scan, that I was having a boy, was just amazing. No words can describe how happy I am.

Just knowing I am now carrying a little boy, for the first time. I am going to have a son. How amazing is that? My girls have a great bond. I couldn't picture another girl. I am glad my girls have each other and now they can help me look after their baby brother. A baby brother they are super excited to meet.

When I announced my third pregnancy the girls had very different reactions. Elliw was super excited and Mia was opposite. She didn't want to know. Although she asked many questions about the baby most days. I was really worried with her coming into the scan room incase she had a temper or get emotional and wanted to go out of the room. When we travelled down to the scan place, I spoke with Mia and she said she was happy and excited. When she found out she was having a brother she did tell me she wanted another sister, but a couple of hours later I asked her if she was happy she was having a brother and she said YES!

I can not wait to welcome our little boy into our family in July. Our first ever Summer baby and our first ever baby boy. We can not wait to meet him, he is so loved already.

A baby boy.. x


  1. Congrats. This is such a great news. Happy for you.

  2. I have 3 boys and 3 girls and I have to say as babies the boys were easier

  3. Congratulations hun and good luck with the pregnancy. I hope it goes well xx

  4. SO lovely, baby boys are awesome! I can't imagine having a girl now that I'm a mum to a little boy x

  5. Congratulations. Best of luck with the pregnancy and I'm sure the girls are going to adore their baby brother.

  6. Congratulations, baby boys are awesome - and they're pretty awesome as they grow older too, Jack is so loving and caring :)

  7. Congratulation sweet thing :) xo

  8. Aww congratulations! I have the same, two girls and a boy. It has been a bit of a shock to the system how different boys are though!

  9. I prefer boys tbh, they seem like they'll be easier in their teens, I was chuffed I had a boy!!! Congratulations xxx

  10. Congratulations, thats so exciting! I think once you know, its exciting as you can get prepared and buy little boy clothes etc xxx

  11. Congratulations. I have a son and a daughter, I always thought a daughter would have a closer bond to her mother but my son and me have a connection that I never had with my daughter.

  12. I love that scan picture, there is so much you can see x


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