Siblings | March

I should really get more involved with the Sibling monthly project but I have been so busy recently, I keep forgetting. The past week or so I have been capturing a lot more photos of the girls together. Just a few weeks ago I was looking through my photos on my phone and albums and realised I had many photos of them by themselves but not together. I really need to start capturing photos of both sisters together from now on and join in with this great monthly project.

I really can not believe we are in March already. This year is flying by and so is my third pregnancy. It still feels like a dream knowing Baby boy will be joining our family in around 4 months time. 4 months really isn't a long time and I can just see it flying by. The girls are so excited to meet their baby brother and speak about him daily.

The girls have been great this month. Although Elliw is going through a stage of being really cheeky and pushing her luck and really pushing my buttons this month. It has been hard, especially when I get stressed my body seems to ache really bad and I have to stop and calm down a bit. It may be my blood pressure going sky high, but I really need to keep it under control.

These photos were taken just a few hours before I had to go to hospital for my blood test results. It was such a beautiful day and because we have just painted their bedroom white and in the middle of completing the rest, I thought I would take advantage of the natural light and white walls! I am in love with these photos :


  1. Those are such gorgeous photos! They look so sweet together and how lovely that they'll have a little brother soon :) #sharewithme


  2. I have a 3 year old girl and I must have over 1,000 images of her! My son is 4 months and I have plenty of him too but hardly any of them together. This has reminded me to take more of them together. Lovely photos #bestandworst

  3. Oh what little cuties! I have only just found your blog through the #bestandworst linky and I love it :)

  4. Beautiful their dresses!

  5. aaaaa gorgeous girlies!! I only started joining in this year and I think its made me make more of an effort to get photos of my girls together rather than just separately.

  6. Your little girls are adorable fantastic photos what chance does this little boy stand with older sisters then again he can use it to his advantage great post X best&worst

  7. They look so cute together and I love their bright and colourful outfits. Great they are so excited for their brother - I bet they will love to help out. Make sure you rest lots lovely. Thanks for sharing with #bestandworst xx

  8. Oh wow, these are such adorable photos. They are so sweet! xx

  9. Such gorgeous photos of the girls Beth! I love the colours of their dresses. xx

  10. Gorgeous girls, you can tell they're really close! I agree, this year seems to be flying by! It won't be long until baby boy arrives too, he will soon be in the siblings photos! #shareitsunday x

  11. Such lovely photos! It's nice to have photos of them smiling and hugging each other, they will be great to look back on when they're older. #shareitsunday

  12. Ah beautiful photos, what gorgeous girls you have!

    Jess xo | The Indigo Hours
    via #ShareItSunday

  13. Oh these are so precious and those dresses so colofrul and vibrant I love them. Looks like a beautiful bond growing. Thanks for linking up to Share With Me and the continual support. #sharewithme

  14. Awww what beautiful pictures. They are adorable xx #siblingsproject


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