Mummy's Sorry

My beautiful girls...
Mammy's sorry for not being able to do some things for you both,
Mammy just feels tired and not herself 
But I can promise you that Mammy is trying her very best,
her very best to keep you both happy.

There may be times where Mammy just wants some peace and quiet,
So I don't mean to snap back when all you do is ask for something.
Although it can be quite annoying when it is constant.
Mammy is trying, honest. 

Mammy is just struggling a bit right now,
I am still trying to do the things I used to do with you,
I just don't seem to have all that energy right now.
But I do love cuddles from you both.

You may have seen Mammy cry a few times,
the times you come up to me, hold my face and tell me everything is going to be ok. 
I believe you because I know one day everything will be fine.
But right now, Mammy just feels a little broken and alone.

I don't like to show my emotions to you both.
I try and hide it because I want you both to think I am strong.
You both look up to me and you both make me so proud.
I just hope one day I make you both proud too. 

I look at you both and you make me so proud.
At the moment you two are the only people who are keeping me going.
I am trying. I promise. 
Your baby brother will be here in less than 3 months. 
I know you're both going to adore him, he's already loved by many.
You two are going to be the best big sisters ever.

Many nights I come and sit on the side of your beds whilst you are both fast asleep.
I just look at you both with tears streaming down wishing I could be a better Mam to you both,
I do feel hopeless. I do feel useless. I wish I had the energy and strength to do more.
I just feel drained right now.
But I promise, I am trying my best and as you've told me before,
"Everything is going to be OK"


  1. So sorry to hear you are not feeling yourself. I hope you feel better soon mama xx

  2. Beautiful words. I hope you are feeling better soon

  3. What a sweet thing. You should print this and put in in their memory boxes.

  4. So sorry to hear you're feeling like this, you've put your feelings down beautifully though. Hope you feel more yourself soon x

  5. I totally relate to this. We all have our ups and downs in life, and sometimes the downs just feel so very down. Sending you strength and I hope you are feeling more upbeat soon. x

  6. I can relate. Some days are just so hard. Take care of you.

  7. I am sure your children think your a wonderful Mum to them. What lovely words you have written here, would make a great print off and framed. x

  8. The memory box idea above sounds really good! Sorry you're not feeling great but it's something we all feel from time to time! hope you're feeling better soon!

  9. You're not alone! All mothers can relate to these feelings on a daily basis. You are doing great, don't give up!

  10. This is such a moving post. Everyone has difficult days and I'm sure you're not alone. You're probably doing great, so don't be too hard on yourself :)

  11. Such a beautiful to write to your daughters. They may not understand now, but its going to be ok. You all will look over this later in life and laugh and smile and they will understand more when they get older. Lovely post. ~Lowanda

  12. I can relate to every word you've written, honey. Honestly, we all feel run down at times, not adequate and all that, but you sound like an amazing mummy to your little girls. Look at those smiles on their faces. Would they be smiling like that if they didn't have a mummy like you?

  13. Oh Hun this is beautiful. But remember, it's only temporary and they will soon adjust to the big change. You're doing amazingly xxx


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