If you’ve ever experienced erectile
dysfunction (ED) it’s likely you’re already aware of how distressing and
embarrassing this condition can be. The good news is, there is help at hand,
and if your feelings of shame and awkwardness have stopped you from tackling
the problem, now is the time to do something about it. The truth is, your ED
could be a sign of a serious underlying health issue, so it’s definitely
something that shouldn’t be ignored. For help on how you can treat the problem,
here are three ways to combat your ED.
1. Use an effective treatment
To overcome your ED, you could try
using an effective treatment. For example, sildenafil citrate, which is sold
under the brand name Viagra, is a prescription-only medicine that is widely
used to treat ED. This particular treatment comes in tablet form and is taken
an hour before sex on an empty stomach. It works to increase the flow of blood
to the penis, helping you achieve and maintain an erection that is sufficient
for sex. You can buy Viagra at your local chemist or from an
online pharmacy. To make sure that this is a suitable product for you, you will
be asked a few health-related questions beforehand. If you’re interested to
learn more about Viagra or the other types of treatments that are available,
you should speak to a medical professional.
2. Talk to someone
If your condition is getting you
down, you might benefit from talking to someone about it. You could try
communicating with your partner and discuss how you’re feeling. Opening up
about your ED to your significant other might help you put your concerns into
perspective and they may be able to offer you the advice and reassurance you
need. This could even bring you closer as a couple.
Alternatively, you could try
talking to a trained specialist. Whether you do this alone or you’re
accompanied by your partner, you could attend therapy or counselling sessions.
During these meetings, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss your sexual and
emotional issues in a non-judgemental and confidential environment. Your
therapist should be able to give you practical advice and tips on how you can
cope better and what you can do to ease your anxiety. While this is not an
instant fix, attending sessions over a period of time should begin to have a
positive effect on you and your sex life.
3. Make some lifestyle changes
There are some simple lifestyle
changes you can make that can combat the symptoms of ED. For example, losing
weight, giving up smoking, cutting back on alcohol and exercising regularly are
all things that could help significantly improve your ED. Aside from helping
with your condition, making changes like this will also vastly improve your
overall health and wellbeing.
If you’re unsure which type of ED
treatment is best for you, you should speak to your GP for further help and
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